The Star Trek "Mirror, Mirror" version of myself.
Pearl Jam, Elvis, The Ramones, The Doors, Black Sabbath, Mother Love Bone, The Distillers, Guns N' Roses, The Rolling Stones
300, Star Wars, Fight Club, Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction, Big Trouble In Little China, Dawn Of The Dead, V For Vendetta, The Warriors, Se7en, Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead, The Shawshank Redemption, Trainspotting, The Godfather I & II, Escape From New York, Kill Bill, The Prestige, Memento, Serendipity, About A Boy, Love Actually, and many more!!!
24, Dr.Who, Dexter, Californication, Six Feet Under(finished), Star Trek, Lucky(cancelled), Deadwood(finished), Dead Like Me(cancelled), Entourage, Lost, Heroes, Veronica Mars(cancelled), Prison Break, Battlestar Galactica, Rome(finished)...why do all the good shows finish or get cancelled?
Jack Bauer, Michael Corleone, Al Swearengen, Tyler Durden, Jesse Custer, James Ford, Yoda, Elvis