I love a lot of things in this world...Dance(all kind of dance),musics(except rap...not sure! depends),runway,modelling,sports,trips,relaxing....blablabla
Okay,i'm not sure you will be happy to know that i like Britney Spears,but anyway...She is a big artist to me and i love when she move her body hihi! I have of course a million of singers that i love;Dion,Carey,Houston,Jenifer,Amel Bent,Janet Jackson,Timberlake,Micky Green,Tracy Chapman...Blablabla!! Husdon,Timberlake,Furtado,Beyonc?,Aguilera,Ciara,Jackson,any way.....to much
Actually,on this title,there is a lot of answers... Well<<<<Alexandre,Effet Papillion,Gothika,Danse ta Vie,Amadeus,Phidalelphia,Americain historyx,Du venein dans les Veines,Alice au pays des merveilles lol,Robin des Bois,Stargate,Stigmata,la Mome...blablabla!
Citizen K,Closer,Public,Voici,Gala and all of those shit magazins lol!!!NEWS;héhé Voila,first time in my life,i realized that i love read somes books...."Rien de grave","Le Client"...I keep going...