I am interested in the coco de mer seed...
Anyone that wants to give me money
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Classical has turned out to be the most intricate music, not my favorite but i appreciate and respect the dedication. any yahoo can put a band together( no offense yahoos) but not too many people are like hey bro lets start start our own symphony!! Dude i totally want to play principal oboe in the woodwind section... no ive never heard that...
other stuff that rocks
Old SChool, the usual suspects, memento, bowling for colombine, space balls, monty python and the search for the holy grail, blow, the godfather, jonny dangerously, the rules of attraction, The Life Aquatic, An Inconvenient Truth, amelie, clint eastwood westerns.
perfect strangers, 3s Company, the jetsons (anything by Hannah Barbera, Heroes, the shield, its always sunny in Philadephia, i pretty much get over tv shows after one season or even one episode sometimes, if u are reading this in a few months from me writing it then im sure i have changed my mind about the new shows at least. F it im gonna change my mind right now. i hate tv. read a book
i heard about those things on tv. (btw dont worry if i contradict myself, i can do that)
my grandpa, superman or superman before he was superman... ... this guy