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I am here for Friends

About Me

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I come from a family of six. I'm the oldest of four girls. But that's just my immediate family. I've got a ton of Aunts, Uncles and cousins. I'm hard-working always trying to go above and beyond what's necessary. I'm a very loyal person, dedicated to my committments, whether it be with my job and/or a relationship (friend or boyfriend). I like to think I'm an out-going person with an open mind and open to new ideas. A good sense of humor, strong and intelligent. Morals and values are very important to me. I make family and my faith a priority. I like sports, not playing them, just watching them, i.e. Baseball, Basketball and Football. So, I'm glad I get to do promotions with the Oakland A's. I also like the Anaheim Angels, if the A's aren't playing, The Sacramento Kings and Golden State Warriors, and my family and I are HUGE Notre Dame football fans. Go Fighting Irish! I'm constantly striving for perfection. Working on my downfalls trying not to be so sensitive (you know not to be so easily offended) or to be so serious. I'm a confident person who knows who I am inside and what I want for myself but I've definitely learned over the past few years to not plan your life to a T because in the words of Outkast, "You can plan a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather."

My Interests

I love my Chihuahua Riley. She just turned 1 on February 28th. I've had her since April 2005. She is the cutest little thing as you can see from the picture on my profile. Most of my spare time is spent playing with her and taking care of her in general. Having a pet is just like being a parent. I have to feed her, bathe her, take her to the vet and all in all just making sure she is happy and healthy. I think I've done a pretty good job so far. She's a little spoiled, but what can I say, she's my baby. I will admit to having bought her a few outfits and a bag to carry her in but I should in no way be compared to a Paris Hilton carrying her around with me everywhere I go and not letting her little feet touch the ground. I let her be a dog, playing fetch, running around in the grass and eating out of a regular bowl not some silver spoon. I don't get to spend as much time with her as I like because I'm hardly ever home but when I am home, she and I are always together. I really wanted to get a lap dog because I wanted him or her to do just that be in my lap all the time. So, luckily, she does like to be in my lap and cuddle. She watches TV with me and sleeps in my bed. She likes to burrow to keep herself warm. I love shopping for her, it's amazing the kinds of things they have out there now-a-days for dogs. I love taking her for walks and most of all I just love sittin back and watching her. She's so entertaining to watch. She does the cutest things. And I must say, she is such a smart dog. Sometimes I sware she understands English. Well, enough about my dog. I also love to Travel. I am afterall the daughter of a Travel Agent so the travel bug has been in instilled in me since a very young age. One of the best trips I ever took was driving across country, from California to New York and back, seeing about 15 states in all. It was not only a lot of fun but it was very educational as well. I probably learned more on that trip than in any history book. We saw the Independance Hall in Philadelphia, The White House, The Capitol, Mt. Rushmore, Niagra Falls, The Empire State Building, The Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island just to mention a few landmarks. I love the entertainment industry; celebrity gossip, the movies, TV, awards shows and the like. I love kids, especially babies! I love going on long walks especially on the beach or through a really cool hiking trail. I love listening to music in my car, just cruising around or in my room on the weekends when I'm doing laundry and home chore stuff. I love hanging out with my family and friends especially in the city (SF) and going on road trips.


Favorite Groups: Green Day, No Doubt, The Killers, The Beatles, The Beach Boys, The Supremes, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Keane and Nada Surf. Favorite Male Artists: Michael Buble, Jack Johnson, Elvis, Al Green, Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson. Favorite Female Artists: Mariah Carey, Gloria Estefan, Celine Dion, Kelly Clarkson.


I have so many favorite movies but to name a few: Father of the Bride, Fools Rush In, Legends of the Fall, Pearl Harbor, Pretty Woman, Rudy, Selena, Titanic, A Walk in the Clouds, And When Harry Met Sally.I know, typical chick flicks, but hey, I am a chick =)


All time favorite TV shows include I Love Lucy, Friends, Full House, Golden Girls, and Three's Company. I can watch reruns of these anyday.Some of today's shows that I enjoy watching are Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, and The Hills.

My Blog

Definitely, Maybe

Some of you may have heard about this new movie coming out titled "Definitely, Maybe."  No, I have not seen the movie but the title really caught my attention and thought it could apply to a lot ...
Posted by Arlene on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 09:39:00 PST


Have you ever tried weaning yourself off something?  According to, the definition of weaning is...To detach from that to which one is strongly habituated or devoted.It just seems l...
Posted by Arlene on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 07:50:00 PST


I gave up pizza for Lent!  Anybody else feel my pain?
Posted by Arlene on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 11:48:00 PST

Lifetime Movies

Anyone else share my guilty pleasure of watching Lifetime Movies on a Saturday afternoon?  It seems as if they always show the classics, and by classics I mean cheesiest ones, on a Saturday after...
Posted by Arlene on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 11:45:00 PST

Donkey Kong

It is totally Old School but I love playing Donkey Kong on Super Nintendo.  Boy, doesn't that take you back!
Posted by Arlene on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 11:39:00 PST