FRANCHESCA♥ profile picture


About Me

My Interests


im one of those girls who constantly laughs even if the joke was over a week ago.
im one of those retards who will listen to the same song until everyone around is willing to shoot themselves if they hear it one more time.
im one of the girls that guys can talk to in their guy language. for example: shes so fucken hot! frenchie: fucken no shit ey!
im an open person. i dont mind talking about my life long experiences at all, though it may scar you metally. no joke.
im one of those people who will act like their infuriated and turn around the next minute with "BAH! im just fucking with ya!"
im the crazy asian looking chick that would run half naked down the street just to have a memory of it and say to the grandchildren "i did that once... it was fucken mad!"
im the type of girlfriend that would cover themself with red shit and a bow on the forehead, at a public restuarant, surrounded by complete strangers staring and thinking shes some metal child who escaped from her metal asylum, just to see a smile on his face.
im a girl who gets offended when others know her for her looks, afterall, looks arnt everything and we're all going to die ugly anyway.
i think laughter is the cure to everything. but not really.
everywhere i go, i will have music. Ipod, phone, and if i really have to, i will make everyone spastic with my singing abilities :)
when i say i need to pee. i need to fucken pee ok. its not my fault bladder problems are in my family.
im the type of person who doesnt need anything but family + lovers to live a happy life.
im one of those nerds who chooses to study even though she doesnt have to. i think intelligence is a gift that some people dont get to experience, therefore should be used wisely by those to get the chance.
im easily amused. i live to laugh at everything & anything. seriously.
if i could control time, my life would be complete.
i dont like pies, mushrooms, olives, cheese (except for fetta) or tofu. but i can eat them if i REALLY have to.
i dont think "love" or even "hate" are words that shouldnt be used lightly. or maybe im just a little retarded? who knows!
the one thing i cant live without is chocolate.
i am the way i am. if you dont like it..well you can go suck my penis!
and last of all. if you recognise me walking down a street, dont hesitate to say HELLOOOOOOOOOOO!