jeannine profile picture


you're so hot, u make fire look cold!!!

About Me

hey guys, myspace dosnt allow nudes so i had to put them all on eroticy, so if you want to see me Sign Up and search for jeannine24

My nAmE Is jEaNnInE, iM FrOm dAlLaS AnD Im 24 YeArS OlD. iMa pReTtY LaId bAcK WoMaN AnD I Go wItH ThE FlOw. I LiKe tO Go sHoPiNg aNd hAnG OuT WiTh fRiEnDs. WhEn i hAvE FrEe tImE I LoVe tO UsE ThE CoMpUtEr aNd mEeT NeW PeOpLe oN MySpAcE. nOt mUcH MoRe tO SaY I GuEsS LoL SeE Ya!

My Interests

hey guys, myspace dosnt allow nudes so i had to put them all on eroticy, so if you want to see me Sign Up and search for jeannine24

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matchbook romance, amber pacific ♥, the early november, the killing moon ♥, jacks mannequin, dashboard confessional, the fall of troy, get up kids, aerosmith ♥, rock kills kid, punchline ♥, flyleaf, greenday, atreyu, the smiths, mai, coheed and cambria, afi, my chemical romance, anberlin, the matches, the fold, october fall, james blunt, scary kids scaring kids ♥, the rocket summer ♥, daniel powter , circa survive, 10 years ♥, u2, rise against ♥, fell the seen ♥, coldplay ♥


inside victor lewis-smith, katie joplin, generation o!, space: 1999, one big family, sherlock holmes in the 22nd century(a), tarzan, frasier, the darling buds of may, family matters


the minotaur takes a cigarette break: a novel


alex jones !