i have too many to name.so i'll use the labels that scientists believe encapsulate them all: realistic, investigative, enteprising, social, artistic, and conventional
i have met nobel laureates, poets, musicians, politicians, all sorts of folks; in plush, delipadated, and opulent places.but i'd cash them all in for one meeting with tom (current issues with net neutrality notwithstanding)!
dandy warhols, devandra bernhardt, mars volta, pj harvey, silje nergaard, cristina valkyria (she's a cool new artist), bob dylan, fiona apple, natalie merchant, trout fishing in quebec, smashing pumpkins, studley lush
the battleship potemkin, brazil, tie me up tie me down, high heels (pretty much anything by almodóvar), amateur, trust, henry fool (pretty much anything by hal hartley), citizen kane, rear window,
no thanks!
wikipedia, first and foremost.these also aren't too bad: the life and opinions of tristam shandy, emotional intelligence: science and myth, gullivers travels, crime and punishment, human cognitive abilities: a survey of factor analytic methodologies, under milkwood, as i lay dying, black mischief, the loved one, slaughterhouse five, catch-22, the canterbury tales
don't believe in the label, we are all heroes and villians on any given day!