I guess I don't have much time after all of that, but I try to manage. I think all my family and friends appreciate that. They know I will try to help them out the best way I can when in need.
Anyway, I don't have a girlfriend at the moment. We decided to put our relationship on hold. We worked, and went to church together...so we got to see each other everyday. I think, when we were dating, we saw each other a little too much. We hardly had any time to ourselves. So, yeah...being friends is good for the both of us right now.
Well, you should know that I absolutely love sex...who doesn't, right! I guess you can say I am a bit of an exhibitionist at times. Hell, and who doesn't like to watch!
I am on the rebound and out on the prowl for fresh meat...LOL! Simply put, I am very open-minded, and am keeping my option's open for now. I don't believe there is anything new that sex can really offer me. You name it, I've probably done it, or would try it at least once...and ask for more if I like it...LOL!
I also love the outdoors from swimming, fishing, hiking, camping, jogging, and mountain biking, to tubing and getting fucked up on the river...any river! I also love working out and sports (i.e. football, ice hockey, baseball, basketball, volleyball, and golf), whether I am playing or simply watching.
I played some sports in High School and was moderately involved in martial arts and boxing growing up, so I have some battle wounds that came along with all the territory that sports had to offer.
Guess that's me! I love people, so don't be afraid to add me to your friends list. I am sure you'll discover that I am so easy going, and understanding that anyone could call me their new found best-friend...ttyl!
Your results:
You are Superman
Captain America
The Flash
Dare Devil
Green Lantern
Iron Man
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
"The Suave 1" by suave_style4u
Name:: Richard
Nickname:: Rico
Place of Birth:: Rosebud, TX
Current Location:: San Marcos, TX
Ethnicity:: Hispanic
Age:: 34
Height:: 5' 11"
Weight:: 195 lbs.
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Brown
Shoe Size:: Uuuhhh...11, but why do you ask?
Smooth or Hairy:: Smooth
Tattoo's:: Spider-Man...Just as soon as I get over my fear of needles!
Piercings:: Nipples...Again, just as soon as I get over my fear of needles!
Hat/Cap:: My Corona visor...Hell Yeah!
Glasses:: My Nike prescription eyeglasses.
Accessories:: My white pebble necklace.
Shirt:: Not wearing one!
Belt:: Again, not wearing one!
Pants/Shorts:: My Lost brand boardshorts.
Undergear:: What undergear...I have on boardshorts?
Socks:: Not wearing any!
Shoes:: My Flojo brand sandals, Yeah Baby!
Food:: Hot Wings...You haven't had any 'til you've had mine!
Restaurant:: Chili's
Color:: Blue
Sport:: Football & Ice Hockey
Vehicle:: '67 Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500
Hobby:: Does myspace count?
Drink:: Corona w/ Lime!
Vacation Spot:: S.P.I.....for those of you who dont have a clue, South Padre Island Biatches!!!
Band:: Right now...30 Seconds To Mars...But have always liked Creed!
Song:: Foo Fighters: "My Hero", Hoobastank: "The Reason", Creed: "My Sacrifice", & 30 Seconds To Mars: "From Yesterday"
TV Show:: Everyone Loves Raymond, and Will & Grace...Jack's the shizznuttz!
Movie:: X-Men Trilogy, Spiderman Trilogy, and LOTR Trilogy
Coffee or Tea:: Tea
Dr. Pepper or Coke:: Dr. Pepper
McDonald's or Burger King:: Mickey D's
Chocolate or Vanilla:: Chocolate
Smoothie or Milkshake:: Smoothie's
Summer or Winter:: Summer...easier to stay cool. Just take off some clothes and take a dip!
Bar/Pub or Clubs:: Clubs...if I choose to go out.
Boxers or briefs:: Boxer briefs...if any!
Funny or Scary Movies:: Scary
Spring Break or Mardi Gras:: Spring Break fools!!!
Car or Truck:: Happy with my pick-up.
Rap or Metal:: Depends on my mood I guess.
Party Goer or Party Pooper:: Depends...how drunk am I?
Best-friends:: Bobby, Lee, Cody, Greg, Nathan, Robert, Rocky, Ruben, "Gonzo", Pierre, Ricky, Liam, Raymond, Nicholas, Johnathan, Christopher, The "J"agermeister, and Bryce...did I leave anyone out?
Funniest:: "Gonzo"
Sexiest:: Bryce
Weirdest:: Lee
Loudest:: Nicholas
Most Serious:: Christopher
Most Accident Prone:: Ricky before his death, but Raymond is now
Most Successful:: Ruben
Most Popular:: Nathan before his death, but Pierre is now
Most Bashfull:: Rocky
Most Jealous:: Robert
Most Trustworthy:: Bobby
Easiest To Talk To:: Johnathan
Looks or Personality:: What good is one without the other?
Tall or Short:: Doesn't really matter.
Long Hair or Short Hair:: Depends on who I'm dating.
Hugging or Kissing:: Yes and Yes...and everything in between!
Single Date or Double Dates:: I really don't give a shit!
Younger or Older:: Again, doesn't really matter.
Athletic or Plump:: Athletic
Quite or Talkitive:: Depends on my mood.
Dinner and a Movie or Dancing:: I don't dance well in public...LMAO!
Have sex on a first date:: Depends on the mood.
Guys or Girls:: "...it don't matter, just don't bite it..."
Age you lost your virginity:: 12
How many sexual partners have you had:: Yeah, I'm really gonna answer this...moving right along!
Longest Session:: Shit, I think close to 5 hours...could have been 6!
Favorite position:: "Doggy" style from a seated position.
Ever recieved oral:: Of course!
Ever performed oral:: Oh, hell yeah!!!
How often do you masturbate:: Kinda personal, but since you asked...about 3-5 times daily without having had sex. What, like you dont!!!
Ever video taped a sexual encounter:: Yep Yep!
Ever done any porn:: Only still photography, and posed for an arts class one semester.
Have you ever skinny dipped:: Every chance I get....LMFAO!
Ever had sex in public:: OH YEAH!!!
Ever had a threesome:: Sure have.....countless times lol!
How about an orgy:: What right now?
Seen any of your friends naked:: All, but one...we're like bro's dude!
Have they seen you naked:: I'm pretty sure they all have!
Who was the last person you saw naked:: Bryce
Who was the last person you kissed::
Bryce...combination of beer, partyin, and playin a stupid game...it's all good though, he's my bro!
Who was the last person you hugged:: Some girl...I don't know her real name.
Who was the last person you had sex with:: Just a tad bit nosey aren't we?
Have you ever gotten caught doing any sexual act:: Many times...LOL!!!
If so, by whom and what were you doing:: Let's see.....jackin off, by just about everyone. Having sex, by....uhhh, lets see...EVERYONE!
Ever gotten paid for sex:: Yeah, unfortunately.
Ever paid for sex:: But of course...Boys Town is da shit!
Ever had a one night stand:: Time and Time again!
Ever been with a friends date/girlfriend:: Yep
Did your friend ever find out:: Shit he was watching...what do you mean find out. I didn't know they planned it!
Ever cheated on someone:: Yes I have...payback is a biatch!
Ever been cheated on:: Yep
Ever been dumped:: Yes...it was the best thing for the both of us!
Ever dumped anyone:: Haven't we all?
Ever been stalked:: As a matter of fact...I think like 3 times.
Ever stalked anyone:: Well, I wouldn't call it stalking...that's illegal you know...LOL!
Ever been beaten up:: More like jumped...took two with me though!
Ever beaten someone up:: Yep...again, payback is a biatch!
Ever stole anything: Yeah, I was a bit of a juvenile back in the day.
Ever gotten a ticket, and for what:: Yes, for speeding...it sucks!
Ever been arrested:: Yes, and that sucks too!
Ever done drugs:: Hell no...you crazy!
Ever been drunk:: I've been told I was...LMAO!
Places you would like to visit:: Spain, Italy, England, Germany, Egypt, Japan, & Jerusalem.
Most cherished memory:: Tossing the football around with two of my best-friends who passed away...Nathan and Ricky. Miss ya bro's!
Do you hate anyone:: Hate? That's too strong of a word....dislike, of course. NOW.........
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