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Dance like there's nobody watching. Sing like there's nobody listening. Love like you'll never get h

About Me

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This Image Is From BestMyspaceGoodies.comHey this is jackie! Im nineteen years old! I work at Buffalo Wild Wings! Im in college now, and its definetly a different expierience! We are all going to move on and find bigger and better things to do with ourselves! I just want to say goodluck with the future! :) Im finally realizing who my true friends are and who have been there from the start?! Without these people I would be lost! I appreciate everything u guys have done for me! Bcuz.. without u i dont kno wat i would do! Thanks for being there whenever i needed u the most! You guys mean more to me then u will ever know! :) My family is basically everything I love them more than I can even describe! Without them i would honestly be lost... they keep me alive and goin! I love them sooo much!!! :)
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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

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Nickelback, Howie Day, Dave Matthews, Jewel, O.A.R, Augustana, The Fray, Rascal Flatts, 3 doors down, Aerosmith, Counting Crows, Snow Patrol, My Chemical Romance, Dashboard Confessionals, Oasis, Lonestar, Foo Fighters, Evan Escense, Incubus, Ryan Cabrera, Nick Lachey, Rob Steiger, Luda, Chingy, Mims, T.I., Jessica Simpson, I basically like all types of music... not to picky :)
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*NoTeBoOk*WaLk To ReMeMbEr*AlOt LiKE LoVe*HoW To LoSE A GuY In 10 DaYs*HoLiDaY*LaDdEr 49*WeDdInG CrAsHeRs*UpToWn GiRlZ*FaSt AnD FuRiOuS*ReMeMbEr ThE TiTaNs*LiTtLe BLaCk BoOk*HiDe N SeEk*ThE CrAfT*NoW AnD ThEn*ChEaPeR By ThE DoZeN*JoY RiDe*ToMmY BoY*BlAcK ShEeP*MiGhTy DuCkS*MeAn GiRlS*I LiKe AlL DiFfErEnT TyPeS Of MoViEs...:)


...*LaGUnA BeAcH*...*ThE HiLlS*...*O.C*...*AmErIcAn IdOl*...*FuLl HoUsE*...*ReAl WoRlD*...*SiMpSoNs*...*OnE TrEe HiLl*...*RoAd RuLeS*...*BoY MeEtS WoRlD*...*NeXt*... *RoOmRaIdErS*...*FrIeNdS*...*AnD MaNY MoRe*...


There are a few that were pretty intresting!


My FaMiLy AnD FrIeNdS :)famous stars would be Carrie Underwood and Jessica Simpson :)

My Blog

Never Think your not good enough... this story is soo sad! :(

Boy: What?Girl: I really like you. And I... I think I'm falling in love with you.Boy: Ok...Girl: What do you mean "ok"?Boy: I don't like you like that...Girl: Why not?Boy: I can't tell you... maybe an...
Posted by jackie on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 08:51:00 PST

To My Sheester I <3 soo much! :)

http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank">..http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p188/jackiekowalczyk/my sheesterandIpart2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">   18 years have...
Posted by jackie on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 01:10:00 PST

To Every Girl.....

To every girl....To every girl that is SCARED toput her heart out there again,because she has been HURTtoo many times or so badly.To every girl thathas been cheated on,because she's not a slutwho give...
Posted by jackie on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 07:37:00 PST

Not to many guys like this out there... so appreciate the ones that still are :)

To every guy that regrets hurting or losing her.To every guy who knows which girl he wants.To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful."To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town (or ac...
Posted by jackie on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 04:14:00 PST