.You Kn0w WuT it TakEs 2 Set Me FreE. profile picture

.You Kn0w WuT it TakEs 2 Set Me FreE.

My heart Belongs to some1 who DOES NOT want it :(

About Me


Hola!! Wuz tha deal peeps?? Well imma 17 year old God-fearing Senior @ BYRD High School by tha name of Erica Foppe' and yes i'm ready to get mah blacc azz outta there and start a new lyfe in BaTon RouGe..Oh Yes..It's going DOWN in B.R....AnYwh0, Imma really nice chick who luvs to have fun, and luvs tomeet new people...I'm NOT a fan of MESS I HATE it..I d0n't have tyme 4 it...I mean GroW Up!! I HatE PeoPle who send me messages asking me mah name..i mean dont you read?? Guess not...Anymore questions Get at me.. I lUv You!!! Mwah!!! ♥


My Interests

SUBR H3rE I ComE...u AinT ReadY!!!


I'd like to meet:

LeaVe Me a CommEnt!!
TaLk 2 Me...


TaKe a PiKtuRe..KLiCk KLiCk ♥
Mz. Br3 aka ThA T-SheMiSe MoDeL
Where in tha world whould I be without mah sidekick...you kno we go all tah way back to when we were 4 years old...naw we bout to move off to SUBR!! we finna act and they aint ready!! Even though I know we both gon end up meeting new people and making new freinds you always gonbe mah BYTCH!! l0l..I ♥ you more than you cud imagine!!
My ArabiAn PrinCeSs
I looovvvvee you SO much!! We have gotten to become so close..I've learned so much from you...but mostly to NEVER ride with you during rain...l0l...I can't wait till we get to Baton Rouge together..we're gonna have so0o0 much fun!!!
My BaD BytCh
Now you kno we go all tha way back to Kristie, Jan, Debra, and now Kathy!! lmao...so you kno aint nuttin gon change.. I love you to death, and cant nobody change it..you kno we showstoppa, mouth dropppas, and booty poppas...< i jus made that up...tahts was clean huh?? >
DonT Fucc Wit HeR
NoW You already kno our story so aint no need to explain..you always there to listen even when half tha tyme u aint..l0l...but i love you, and remember PB may be gon..but its up to us to keep his memory alive.."Hello wall?!?" hehe ♥
MY Present Home...
MY FutUre Home...

My Blog

Pastor Brown I love you!!!

The first person who ever had hope in me...who first placed a mic in my hands just passed...He meant so0o0o0 much to me..he was more than just a Pastor...he was a special man...2 me and a lot of peopl...
Posted by .You Kn0w WuT it TakEs 2 Set Me FreE. on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 07:55:00 PST

I Ne3d SuM NeW FriEndZ!!!

NoW 4 all Mah friends that I have now who readin this talkin bout...WTF this bytch talkin bout...I LOVE YALL TO DEATH...but i'm jus saying... N/e ways...I'm saying I need sum new friends cuz when I be...
Posted by .You Kn0w WuT it TakEs 2 Set Me FreE. on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 06:40:00 PST

SteP Yo ShyT Up...anD WatCh WuT Cum Out Yo FuCciN MouTh

ok...Not pointing no fingers or sayign no names..but damn mah niccas...yall trippin 4 real...wut yall need to do is 'GROW THA FUCC UP' and get this money...[[l0l]]....but seriously...I've cum to tha c...
Posted by .You Kn0w WuT it TakEs 2 Set Me FreE. on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 06:26:00 PST