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I'm waiting you to fail me just like everyone else

About Me

I am just another fool, and I have to keep telling myself that I am just a hypocrite, and I have to keep calling you one. I forgot to bite my tongue as my assumption is the mother of all mistakes. So I assume the role, open my mouth, and clumsy words escape. So why you, want be there when you could be here, you're slipping away.I awake with your replacement, a bottle in my grasp in an unfamiliar place. Becuase you put me out, the butt of a sick joke, into this ashtray life as you come and go. Because I forgot to service you, and we broke down, and you can't live with my mistakes. But I assume false grace, open my arms, and grasp at something true.how are you, how have you been? girl I miss you, wanna see you again oh why you, wanna be there? when you could be here, girl I'm sliping awayI bring out the worst in you, and you try to let me know, you bring out the worst in me. Anxiety, anxiety..... I'm trying to let you go, you say I'm giving you the creeps, so I assume the role, open my claws and grasp for your heart ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Now I can go anywhere in the world! All I have to do is twist the throttle! So what if its the ugliest motorcycle ever...BIKE magazine's "Coolest bike ever", this is what they had to say about it.
"Two things are certain about the end of the world. One; of the last three humans left alive, two of them will be fighting over something, be water, oil or the last Wagon Wheel. Two; the third will be riding a remote and humbling landscape on a BMW R1150GS Adventure, oblivious and content as the sky grows dark, the ash begins to rain down and the sun goes out on mankind and the toughest, most versatile and plain cool bike it ever managed to build."
The begenning of one of the most challenging days of my life.
The middle part of one of the most challenging days of my life.
Honda CB1100F. If 100 HP in a bike isnt enough, try 110 here.
Oh yea, and I take pictures too.
Simply the coolest thing in the entire world, the Ferrari....WATCH THIS.
World GP.... the most talented athletes in the world.
Lagwagon, "Heartbreaking Music"
Motorcycle stunts...
Great vintage car racing....
meet the man that personally tests Ferraris for a living...
Only watch this if you want to laugh REALLY REALLY HARD, Don Hertzfeldt's stuff
Stevie Ray Vaughan, hands down, without a faking doubt, the best guitar player that ever lived and that will ever live.

My Interests

Motorcycles (CB1100F's specifically), Jeeps, Guitars and Vintage guitar amps, Computers, photography, sleeping, surfing, poker etc

I'd like to meet:

It's negative. I wish you the worst dear. To feel the greatest pain, apositive. You say it's all in vain. I know i felt, and i won't feel again. I owe you hours of madness, years of disfunction, the deepest embitterment, no will to strive or achieve, finale in breakdown and perpetual fall on your knees, as you crawl back to me. It ends like this, i can hope for bliss. If you fail again, becuase I'm right here to witness every step and when you trip, i will cherish it.I live to watch you fail


Here comes the day I see my friends far away, When I grow up inside what will happen to me? Bye for now. Didn't mean to let you down, Didn't mean to drive you away. Now that your not around, So many things I'd like to say See here I think I've found the missing link, The piece that holds us together. If I had my way I'd here you say that it's OK, Friendship should last for ever. Bye for now. Didn't mean to let you down, Didn't mean to drive you away. Bye for now Now that you're not around, So many things I'd like to say Didn't mean to let you down. We miss you Derrick. 2005


Blues Brothers, Strange Brew, North Shore, Real Genius, Ferris Beullers Day Off, Sixteen Candles, Shawshank Redemption, Full Metal Jacket, Saving Private Ryan, Shindlers List, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Vol.1






The days are new, the nights unwind You break my world, you change my mind Run out of love, come down from life Run out of pain, my life has changed It's obvious it's all been said in cheesy poems and chick flicks The mushy shit that people say, it makes us chuckle everyday So how can I express to you the recent dramas we've been through I wouldn't have been fine without your help The days are new, the nights unwind You touch my world, you change my life Run out of love, run out of life Come down from hate, the world has changed But we may never have met if it weren't for him Hey Derrick, maybe somehow you're listening Today's mantra is gratitude You changed my life I'm sure you knew I'll never forget the words that you said The life that you lead I'll never forget............... I'll never forget

My Blog

The Cockroach.

So, Q and I went to Ralph's the other night to satisfy our Ice Cream fixation. I pulled into the parking lot, up next to the sliding doors and Quyen hopped off to negotiate the vending of our Vermonty...
Posted by AJ on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 11:33:00 PST

hey look!! Kill two people get 90 days in jail!!

This F#@KING A$$HOLE killed TWO people riding a motorcycle, and GOT 90 DAYS IN JAIL. If anyone lives near Sacramento, tell his idiot he should die.SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- A Folsom man convicted of mansl...
Posted by AJ on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 03:51:00 PST

Something to make you smile!

For once, something positive. Something good. Something to make you all smile. Hopefully it will, because it made me smile!...
Posted by AJ on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 10:41:00 PST

ladies and gentlemen.... one of the worst bands EVER!!!!

Holy CRAP. I have been sitting here listening to R.E.M. for the last hour or so, and I have to say without a doubt that they are one of the worst bands I have ever heard in my life.I have never really...
Posted by AJ on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 05:55:00 PST

I cant believe it and I never thought it could be true: The world is getting worse

I cant believe it, but things are steadily getting worse. In south carolina (big surprise there) a mother has her son arrested for opening a present before christmas. The mother, instead of doing wh...
Posted by AJ on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 09:39:00 PST

Unwritten Parking Laws in Los Angeles...

...for whatever reason here in Los Angeles there seems to be a multitude of unwritten parking laws. Unwritten law ..1) The first, and most perplexing I might add, is the one-ton truck in the co...
Posted by AJ on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 01:07:00 PST

you car drivers are going to have to hang up your cell..hah

Cell Phone Banhaha hang up
Posted by AJ on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 12:25:00 PST

Believe it or not, I have discovered more idiots.

Yes, believe it or not its true.  There are more and more out there and for some reason they seem to seek me out.       This time was unique however, in that I was mere...
Posted by AJ on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 03:49:00 PST

Why do I seem to attract the stupidest people on earth?

I dont know what it is. Perhaps it's just my personality, or even my extreme animal magnetism but whenever I go out to see a movie I ALWAYS end up sitting next to the most socially challenged person(...
Posted by AJ on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 01:26:00 PST

So you think you're hot stuff?

So you think you are super cool, do ya? Yes well if you do try this. I discovered this the other day for some reason.....when you get in the shower, when you take the soap or washcloth or whateve...
Posted by AJ on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 03:19:00 PST