Living....... I am interested in learning everything. I want to know the world. I am expecialy interested in design and the human mind. Or disign of the human mind. Or the human mind designing. I am facinated with our own personal powers. The mind is more powerfull than anything in exsistance. Use it.
Other couples who are stable and trustworthy. To meet someone is good. To meet someone you can trust, and have an honest upfrount friendship with is so much more. Honesty and intergrity are most important.
Ok now your getting personel. where do I start? where do I end? O.A.R. baby, Reckles Kelly, Pink Floyd, Robert Earl Keen, Betoven, Black eyed peas. You name it I have a love and apriciation for it. My favs. John Prine, Tood Snider, Son Volt, Paul Simon, And PJotrilyich Tchaikovsky.
I love action, Fantisy, and drama. If I can hide behind my husband I enjoy a horer flick now and then. Gorey is not something I enjoy at all. My all time are, E.T. Lost boys, Flashback, and Woodstalk. You can never get enough music. Ok and sleeples in seatle. I cry like a baby.
Weather chanel, Discovery, Science chanel, and the simpsons. Sinfeld is great, but with two kids I watch Backyardagains, and Americas funniest home vidios.
I read mysteries, biogriphies, and a little Steeven king. If someone handed me a book and said its good I would give it a try.John Grisum is great. I love medical and law misteries. I want something to figure out as I go.
My husband............... My kids.................. And Katherin Hepburn.