Heyyy im *[R] h i a n o n *
I am:
*currently at uvhs.6form
*studying psychology maths chemistry and biology
*lovin it...hmm? not so much
*tellin myself it'll all be worth it in the end
*wishing i had taken art as i miss it mucho
*sister to three
*sister in law to one
*auntie to two
*daughter to 2 great parents
*friend to lots
*a big fan of music
*quiet to those who don't know me
*grateful for what i have
*determined to be successful and help the world in some wayLove:
*friends and family and my other half= v.important
*my bed
*finding things you forgot you had
*being spontaneous
*nights out
*nights in with a film n chinese
*horror films
*theme parks
*schnoopy noodles
*cream eggs
*early mornings
*slow people when you're in a rush
*wind and rain
*having regrets
*not understanding
*life being unfair
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