Myspace Layouts at / Purple kink
Myspace Layouts at / Purple kink
The Girl Named Dragon...She looks innocent and willing, But don't you be a fool. She's harnessed not by any man, She doesn't follow any rules.She'll tempt you and she'll tease you, back in her lair she'll break you. You'll beg her for mercy with pain in your cries.The Girl Named Dragon...There she will seduce you, As the walls go up in flame. There she will reduce you, To nothing but a name.Your mind will not forget her, Sex will never be the same. In her black book she will lock you, And there you will remain.So when you're out there dancing at your favorite club tonight, Keep in thought my warning boy, and heed your second sight.She'll slither across the dance floor, with a sultry, sexy ease, Before you know what's happening She'll bring you to your knees.The Girl Named Dragon.
ANYONE!!!!!! See you out there!" Who are you to judge the life I live? I know Im not PERFECT and I dont live to be but before you start POINTING fingers make sure your hands are clean!"
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Come on, CSI, Law and Order SVU and CI, is there anything else????? And thanks to Jessica...Midget Porn!
I don't have time for books, I'm to busy living a fairy tale!!!! lol WHATEVER, I love Dean Koontz, and John Saul, And Steven King, and all others similar.
My sister, my mom and my dad, and above all, my son. They have been the ground that I stand on, and the faith that when life hands you lemons, either make lemonade or squirt it in someone's eye .(Depends on the situation). My girls are an amazing part of my life right now. I talk to them often, or write, and I couldn't imagine my life (or Evan's) without them.