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About Me

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So.. I'm Sabina and I come from Poland :)
..::some words about me::..
hobby: music, I like also painting and traveling

I'd like to go: to Africa (esp Togo,Uganda), Spain and Portugal
Africa: It's my lovely continent :) I've never been there but I really would like to go there one day... I like African music, art and esp people who live there :)
charity: I try to support charity project because it gives me new wings. So, becoming open to our fellow man's need, touching his or her pain with our kindness and compassion reflects what is contained in Jesus Christ's teachings...
family: I have wonderful parents and sister. I thank God for them!so..that's all :)

My Interests


music: I'm fan of wonderful band -the Kelly Family. They bring me joy and fun. Their concerts are really good and magic. I also like them because they are so kind, plain and not plastic... I also like: John Kelly & Maite Itoiz, Angelo Kelly and band and of course AFRICAN MUSIC (my favourite songs are: Baba Yetu, Million Voices)


Hotel Rwanda,
Forest Gump,
Passion of the Christ
John q


"Heban" - Ryszard Kapuscinki
"Certificate" - cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz


Jesus: He's my Lord, He has changed my life and He gives me hope and so much love...
Mother Therese, John Paul II, and people who put their whole heart in charity action