Angelo Kelly Streetteam profile picture

Angelo Kelly Streetteam

About Me

-- What is the Angelo Kelly Streetteam? --
It is an exclusive group of fans who help promote his music, shows, and more. In return, streetteamers get access to exclusive news, pictures and videos as well as opportunities to win great prizes.
-- What does a streetteamer do? --
The Angelo Kelly Streetteam is based on this MySpace page and works
both together as a whole and in local groups on several kinds of promotional aktivities. Here are some examples.
Requesting songs/videos on your local radio-/tv-stations by phone/E-Mail.
Voting for Angelo Kelly and/or his songs/videos on internet-polls/-charts.
Spreading and putting up flyers, stickers and posters.
Advertising him and/or his songs/videos on websites such as MySpace.
Requesting articels about him in your local magazines by phone/E-Mail.
Requesting appearances of him on TV / Radio shows by phone/E-Mail.
Requesting shows of him at your local Festivals & Clubs by phone/E-Mail.
The members can discuss these promotional activities within the team in the Forum, so next to helping you might just make some new friends as well! 

-- How to join the team? --
There are a few requirements you have to meet in order to join, just so we know you'll make a good streetteamer. First you need to add the official MySpace page from Angelo to your Top friends on your profile. Next you need to either add a song of his profile to yours or put the new video „Smile for the picture“ on your profile. After that all you need to do is ask us to become a friend and once your request is granted you will automatically belong to the Angelo Kelly Streetteam. The Streetteam administration has the right to reject applications and remove members from the team without prior notification if they are not acting in a way that is required.
-- What is in it for you? --
Apart from helping your favourite Artist?
Access to exclusive pictures and galerys
Access to exclusive videos
The newest flyers, posters and promotional material.
Win great prizes every now and then, for instance via competitions!

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