Joey profile picture


Mm, I smell nice. Smelling this good should be illegal.

About Me

Feel free to draw as many genitalia as you like.
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I made this survey the day I got Myspace. Don't know how many years ago that was. Apparently people still think it's funny? Someone remind me to do another one soon. Now that I think about it, almost every single thing on this page is years old. I've changed some, but laziness dies hard, so I'll let it be. Also, is there any way to change the obnoxious teal color? Please?
Name: Joey. The last name is for my spouse only. My eventual spouse. Whenever she arrives in the mail.
Birthday: I was born from two black holes colliding into Jesus. It was more of a gradual, drawn out birth....hard to pick a specific date. I'll just say 11.
Birthplace: Oh geez....Minnesota.
Current Location: *looks out window* Some place that was dumb enough to put cement walls right in front of my window. And the cats always go down there and pee....wherever I live, I really don't enjoy it.
Hair Color: I have no idea. It's a disgusting mix of blond and brown, with a slight gray quality.
Height: I'm going to say six feet. Then again, I could say a billion, and you'd have to take my word! THE POWER I WEILD!!!
Right Handed or Left Handed: No one uses hands these days. Am I right? (well yes, I'm right-handed)
Your Heritage: Irish....they were Irish.
The Shoes You Wore Today: Same I've worn for a long time. Adidas generic shoe ..27. But now they have custom-fit soles inside of them. Incredibly comfortable.
Your Weakness: The thought that someone, somewhere, has naked pictures of me.
Your Fears: Oh wait, that would be this one, wouldn't it? Well, my really bright sunlight. It's hard to see in that stuff. Oh, and women SOMETIMES. If I let them. Most often not. In fact, not at all. But torture freaks me out. Pain in general I don't like.
Your Perfect Pizza: A deep dish pizza, baked to perfection and served with a big, heaping pile of $100 bills on top.
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: To jog and not flop down on the ground halfway to the door.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: I wouldn't call any of them overused. But I do say "Heh." and "Interesting" and "Well," quite a bit.
Thoughts First Waking Up: WHERE THE HECK IS MY RIGHT HAND...oh there it is.
Your Best Physical Feature: No idea. I'll go with my face, because it can portray any emotion I want it to. Some like my eyes. Yeah, eyes are good. I'll go with that.
Your Bedtime: Yeah, what about it? It's different everyday. And the time I go to bed verses the time I actually go to sleep is about two hours apart....WHY DOES MY BROTHER HAVE TO CLICK HIS TOENAILS AGAINST THE RAILING OF HIS BED EVERY SINGLE NIGHT?!
Your Most Missed Memory: Junk Food Day. No wait, Outdoor Ed. Our counsler gave us all candy. It was bliss.
Pepsi or Coke: Soda has been known to weaken your bone density.
MacDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds. I don't use the Mac. Makes it sound fat. Mac is such a fat kid name.
Single or Group Dates: Group dates are always....well, actually, I have no idea. Depends who it's with.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: *shudder* How about hot wax?
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate. AND vanilla. Boy am I creative.
Cappuccino or Coffee: I don't drink that stuff.
Do you Smoke: Sometimes. I just might be the next Human Torch. What's speak of?
Do you Swear: Not at all.
Do you Sing: Oh yes. I'm not too bad at it, now that I've rediscovered the high notes again. A little more practice, and I'll be somewhat alright at it.
Do you Shower Daily: That's a good question....sponge baths count, yes? Well, no. I smell good all the time.
Have you Been in Love: Pffft, love. Kids think they're in love all the time, switching boyfriends and girlfriends almost every other week. I'll know love when I find it. Incredible admiration, yes, but love I'm sure has not happened as of yet.
Do you want to go to College: Want, yes. But deep inside me dwells the knowledge that it probably won't happen. I'm just too successful to bother with it.
Do you want to get Married: If I can find the right one, then yes. Even though every comedian in the world is telling me no.
Do you belive in yourself: Do you work for Disney or something? Well, not really. Unless it's against another human, and not something inanimate. Then yes, I most definitely do.
Do you get Motion Sickness: No. In fact, motion makes me stronger.
Do you think you are Attractive: I make out with myself every other hour or so. Watch for the videos, they'll be up in a month or two. I think I'm at a level where there's no need to worry about appealing to the opposite sex. And that's all that matters.
Are you a Health Freak: Yes. I am now. Why? That's a secret.
Do you get along with your Parents: I plan their demise as we speak. But yeah, we get along great.
Do you like Thunderstorms: IF A THUNDERSTROM WAS A HUMAN I WOULD MARRY IT. Here's to hoping it's a female. *crosses fingers*
Do you play an Instrument: I wish. I grew up in a Mexican ghetto. Our instruments were broken Tequila bottles.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Never. Except this one time, when I was five. It was an accident.
In the past month have you Smoked: Actually, I was four. Never smoked.
In the past month have you been on Drugs: No. Unless you call mold a drug. I think our bathroom has that...
In the past month have you gone on a Date: No. Dateless I shall be for a long time. I never show up on time/never come in the first place. It's totally my fault.
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes. And I saw the fattest girl in the world there. She sat on TWO stools.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No. Those things are full of fat/anonymous white substance.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: OH YES. Who doesn't?
In the past month have you been on Stage: No. But I was on camera. I think I did a fine job acting.
In the past month have you been Dumped: You can't get dumped if you don't commit! HIYO.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Nah. I just run around naked.
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Stolen hearts, yes. I remember Sweethearts tasting much better a few years ago.
Ever been Drunk: Never. Though I do long to be someday. You know me now....imagine me DRUNK. Hoo boy, that'd be a party.
Ever been called a Tease: Yes, by a group of burly sweaty men in towels. I mean no.
Ever been Beaten up: Yes. By a group of Mexican children. I think, that's it. And all they really did was push me down and fill my mouth with grass. I never really get hurt. *man of steel*
Ever Shoplifted: I stole a hot pepper. One.
How do you want to Die: By having too much sex, and all the sperm production saps the life out of me.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Actor, stand-up comedian, writer, guy they test new drugs on.
What country would you most like to Visit: Japan. I'll also need a mid-sized bank to afford it.
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Oh, that doesn't matter. But I'm a fan of brown and green. Blue....well I'm blue....gah, really doesn't matter.
Favourite Hair Color: Hair? Pffft. Well, if I had to choose a hair color, I have no preference, so no deal.
Short or Long Hair: Both are good. Just....don't be too long.
Height: Can't be too short....well...nah, short is good. Can't be too tall, though. My competitive instinct will kick in, and we'll have to battle for the honor of our families.
Weight: If they weigh more than me, it must be in muscle. And if that's so, then we also must battle for the honor of our families.
Best Clothing Style: I like bundling up in the winter. But I don't really have a good clothing style.
Number of Drugs I have taken: None. Unless mold counts. Then it's infinite.
Number of CDs I own: Ever heard Me neither. I own like one.
Number of Piercings: One time this girl got mad at me for calling her an ugly bloated cow, and she impaled me with a street light. I patched it up, but if I didn't, then I'd have one.
Number of Tattoos: I was the only guy smart enough to get a tattoo over his entire body that is the exact same color as my skin. It cost me my college fund, but it was so worth it.
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 37. Oh wait, this survey. 38.

My Interests

Damn, you have any idea how long this would take? Way too long, that's how long. Maybe later. I am interested in procrastinating, that's something.Let's do more pictures.


I'd like to meet:

That guy that stole the tassles off my bike. I really wanted to try those out.


Here's whatever's on my playlist right now. One thing is for certain: Muse is and will always be my favorite band. Unless that changes.

Bands that have one or two songs I like:
As Tall As Lions
Bishop Allen
Born Ruffians
Cobra Starship
MF Doom
New York Pony Club
Rogue Wave
Surfjan Stevens
The Seatbelts
TV On The Radio

Bands that have some more songs that I like:
Apollo Sunshine
Boys Noize
Cold War Kids
Marcy’s Playground
Me First And The Gimme Gimme’s
The New Pornographers
Of Montreal
Rivers Cuomo
The Ruby Suns
Silversun Pickups
Tally Hall

Bands that deliver consistently
(They might only have one album—beginner’s luck? Could be):
Animal Collective
The Bloody Beetroots
The Dodos
Foo Fighters
Gui Boratto
The Like
Patrick Watson
The Strokes
Vampire Weekend


You know those commercials of Girls Gone Wild and stuff? The ones that are on late at night? Well, a dozen or so hours after that, and on a different channel, I like to watch a few Fox shows, like Arrested Development, Malcolm in the Middle, and, of course, Simpsons, which is where I got my display name. And what young male wouldn't like to watch Adult Swim? Probably the young male that wears make-up and has no limbs, that's who. Only reason: he can't reach the remote. I don't know how the make-up got there. Also, eh......what else.....FLCL, aka FoolyCooly. Which, someone told me, somehow means "to fondle breasts." Any show that translates to that in any way is watchable for me.


This is supposedly some sort of a chat room. Chances of it working aren't very high. Thought it might be a bit more interesting than book choices. Which is just a long list. Lists are never very interesting, unless they're edible...and they taste good, with a sauce maybe and served on a really pretty plate. But most lists aren't like that. But that really sounds delicious, I sure could go for a list right about now...

(Moved the chatroom to a different section. Sneaky I know)

And just to name a few of the classics:
Where's Waldo?


Top Ramen, for feeding all those hungry children---and men---and women---well everyone likes it. All the more reason for it to be my hero. Especially Picante Beef, that flavor is incredibly---wow, an orgy in your mouth, folks.
Anywho, I feel like posting a bunch of pictures and explaining them or something. Beats writing a blog. Now let's see how long I can keep myself from posting something sexual down here, hmm...
I... googled Sex as soon as I said that. I can't say I'd know why sex in Asia is anything special. It IS very, very far away. And that may turn people on. Brothels on the moon could be a successful business venture.
Hey dad.
This is true. Parking's a bitch, too.
You know, someday I'd like to wake up to that, instead of the usual urine-soaked mattress. (just kidding, just kidding...I'm not allowed to sleep on a mattress anymore)
God that looks delicious... I could sure go for some mashed potatoes right about now.
You know, those mustaches are all natural. Hopefully I sprout a windmill or two before I expire. (their expression is also pretty interesting. Very sad. Disappointed with themselves, like a whore might be. Their facial hair....used for our own twisted pleasure and cruel jokes... or maybe they're not very photogenic, how the hell would I know)
Dating & Realtionship Advice
MySpace Layouts

My Blog

Silly senior citizen, youth can never be yours again.

Myspace just deleted this blog. I'm beyond the patience of typing it again.I'll consider it if some cute faces say some cute things to convince me otherwise.
Posted by Joey on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 01:10:00 PST

I’ve just made a hybrid sandwich.

I feel I've done something important today. Something important with my life. I've just made a hybrid sandwich. I'm going to change the world.Now, this isn't me tying two hybrid cars together and call...
Posted by Joey on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 01:19:00 PST

Alright then! Thirty thousand views! All without having breasts, too!

See, look:The numbers are fun and all, but how would arm-wrestling Bush get you the identity of your crush? Something he came across while tapping phones?Now, one of you might be prone to say, but Joe...
Posted by Joey on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 03:41:00 PST

A blog, not a boob picture comment documentary.

*Note: There will most likely be no boob pictures in this piece of writing. If that's the only reason you come here, despite it being a damned good reason to go (or come) anywhere, then I am most sorr...
Posted by Joey on Sun, 18 May 2008 07:02:00 PST

Dumb things happen on the Internet: Part I

Weird. Weird to be back here, doing this. I thought of this blog a couple months ago, where a creeping reality finally reached me: not everyone on the internet is normal, or smart, or anything but bac...
Posted by Joey on Sat, 10 May 2008 03:24:00 PST

Random memory.

I remember, back when I lived in Bridgeport; where Mexicans outnumbered Caucasians, even though it was way up in Washington; I was in elementary school. Mexicans don’t have a place in this story...
Posted by Joey on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 09:15:00 PST

What the hell. Damn Japanese woman.

I’m sitting in the college library at the moment; this isn’t a story, not a recollection. To my left is an Asian woman. Can’t tell her age out of the corner of my eye, so let me swiv...
Posted by Joey on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 03:14:00 PST

Strange look from a girl.

It was strange because it was a look I had never received before. It didn't make sense. Either that, or it made too much sense, and what doesn't make sense is why it isn't happening all the time. &n...
Posted by Joey on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 10:58:00 PST

Japan will hire you if you do this.

I should've called this "hardcore siamese midget twins porn"; with the title I have, no one's going to click it.Now then. Do this: site explains the rest. I thought it...
Posted by Joey on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 09:47:00 PST

Joey and Michele conversationate each other.

Yes, this is as hot as the title suggests. Michele, a worthy person to waste space on my Top 8, joins me in one of my favorite conversations of all time. I might've saved more, but this is one I found...
Posted by Joey on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 11:12:00 PST