I love hip-hop, and rap. I also love watching wrestling on TV and live. It's awesome, it's entertaining to me. I've been a huge wrestling fan since I was a little boy. I remember watching the Jerry Lawler and Jeff Jarrett in USWA, I remember a little bit about smoking mountain wrestling, the NWA before it became WCW, and who can forget, the best wrestling promotion out there, the WWE (formally the WWF).I'm a Raider Fan so it don't matter if it's Football season, Basketball season, Baseball, or summer whatever, you might always find me sporting my Raider stuff. The Silver and Black is always in season as far as I'm concerned.I like going out every once in a while or whenever I can but I'm cool chillin at the house as well.
I don't really care, I just wanna meet some folks who aren't fake, flakes and someone who can be honest with me and themselves.
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I love comedy movies, find me a movie that can make me laugh and you got a friend in me. I love to laugh but I also want to watch a movie that makes sense. I like other movies too, but comedy is my favorite.
I like watching wrestling on Monday's and Friday nights. I love watching Monday and Sunday night football. Sports Center is awesome, I will watch other channels. Hell I even watch Life Time, there's some good movies on there not to mention some old school sitcoms on there I use to watch when I was a kid.
Growing up I use to read a lot, mainly because my stepfather made me read. He use to make me read magazine articles and write an essay on it and turn it in to him. If it wasn't done to his liking, he'd make me rewrite it. That's where I learned how to write, to step outside of the box initially, and also that's where I originally developed my interest in writing.Just a few books I have read, Malcolm X, I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, Once There Was A War by Steinback, just to name a few.
My mother, without my mom I wouldn't be where I am today. I wouldn't have life and I wouldn't have the knowledge and the know how to survive on my own. Both my parents were a huge part of me growing into the man I am today.