The Scene Magazine is in your area wanting to start a new and exciting way to advertise the local entertainment market of Kansas City. With your help we're willing to work with some of the best of the best locations in your area. What our initial goal is to have a magazine work as an easy-to-find FREE!!! magazine describing various locations, drink specials, events that take place, age requirement, what type of atmosphere one's going to attend, certain types of entertainment ect., with building your image and helping grow with customers on a one on one basis. Keeping in mind the safety of customers new or old is something that The SCENE is concerned about. So this is where we step in and have the information right there telling potential customers the excact location and act as a guide to their safe landing at their final destination. SEE'S THAT OUR FRIENDS ARE BUIDING UP WE ENCOURAGE BARS AND CLUBS TO MAKE EVENT FLIERS FOR EACH WEEK AND POST THEM UP ON OUR COMMENTS PAGE SO EVERYBODY ON MYSPACE CAN GET A GLIMPSE OF WHAT'S HAPPENING FROM WEEK TO WEEK AND WE'LL BE PUTTING OUR ENTERTAINMENT FRIENDS IN FULL ROTATION! AND FOR THE PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF THE KANSAS CITY AREA, WE HAVE DESIGNATED SPECIFIC MYSPACE PAGES THAT OTHER OFFICES ACROSS THE COUNTRY TAKE CARE OF, SO FEEL FREE TO SEE WHAT'S GOING ON IN OTHER CITIES BUT TO MAKE IT SIMPLE AND SWEET DON'T FRIEND REQUEST IF YOUR NOT IN THAT AREA, THANKS FROM ALL OF US HERE AT THE SCENE MAGAZINE! WE WE'LL SEE YOU OUT THERE.