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Julianna McGinty

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

If you believe that life begins at conception, then my life began at March Airforce Base in August of 1967( during the Summer of Love;upon my dad's return from Viet Nam( where he served as a Chaplains Assistant in the U.S. Army). I was born at Ft. Carson, Colorado in 1968 and two years later became a big sister to Michele( aka Miguel, aka Mikey) from Ft. Carson, we went to Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Indianna for about 18 months and thenm my dad received orders for Germany.In 1972 My mother, Michele and I flew to Frankfurt am Main Airport. My dad was already there at Volgelway Airforce base( Dad was a Chaplain's Assistant), we were there when the unrest was taking place and I was unaware exactly how precarious the situation was, thanks to my dad( who sheltered me and kept me out of harms way). We lived in a house outside of Weilerbach for a year and a half, where I learned to speak German out of necessity( none of the village children spoke English and in order to have friends, I had to learn their language). Germany was where I became aware of the world and learned how to put my thoughts into words in German( my father indulged my desire to only speak German). In 1973, we welcomed my sister Anastasia to our family and moved on to the base. At Christmas in 1973,my class was part of the Christmas pagent and actually got to entertain the troops( of course my school was located on the Airforce Base). We visted Holland, Luxemburgh,and a few other places. In 1975, I had to say goodbye to my friends and my home upon moving to Texas, on the base was not so bad.... but when we moved off and intoo a house in a small town, I went through major culture shock and did not fit in. As a teen, I was rail thin and people thought that I was anorexic; I also rooted for the towns rival team( because i lived there in the area for a while and had a friend in the High school band there) and was beat up because of it. I later came to like the team from my new hometown and was on the Colorguard. found this fantasy layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com picture taken by Brenda Bentley of Rick holding up the Star Wars t-shirt that I bought for him and threw on stage, hope he got the Star Wars tie and the Crown Royal too( there was a jade ring and an amulet with an ankh on one side and the eye of Horus on the other inside the bag with the Crown Royal)

My Interests

writing short stories and poetry, writing lyrics, drawing cartoon type animals( mostly dogs and rabbits), sketching out designs for a future clothing line, listening to different kinds of music, watching old movies and some new ones,going to new places,trying foods from other lands, doing Genealogy Research ( traced a few branches back to the 11th century so far), going to exhibits( about the Titanic, Egyptian artifacts,etc), dancing,collecting and displaying things that my daughters have made( youngest made me a Kanopic Jar for my birthday last year, did not have the heart to tell her that it was going to take a few more to hold my other organs, the one she gave me isn't big enough to hold my brain...lol),collecting stuffed animals with sad eyes and cute smiles, watching the Dallas Cowboys play.

I'd like to meet:

My distant relatives in Ireland, Australia, England and wherever else they are located in order to compare notes on our family history( I am an amateur genealogist and history buff) and know if our original last name(I go by my soon to be ex husband's last name) was Mag Fhinneachte or another variation( son of a fair one or another meaning). Other creative individuals to learn from and exchange ideas with. The children of my cousins, who I have not seen in years. Fellow amateur genealogists and history buffs. People who like those old black and white movies and even Gone With the Wind( which was in color). Fellow Rick Springfield fans, who actually appreciate his work for what it is...works of art!!!


Def Leppard,Nightwish,Led Zeppelin, Savatage,AC/DC,Ozzy,Human League,Prince,Mozart, Madonna, Tchaikovski, The Glenn Miller Orchestra, Outback, Enya, Seal, The Mamas & the Papas, The Kingston Trio, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson,Taco,Falco, Kim Wilde,ELO Andy Gibb,Seal,Savage Garden, Rob Zombie, Ace of Base, T'Pau, Godsmack, Disturbed and last but certainly not least: Rick Springfield.


old silent films( Nesferatu,Hunchback of Notre Dame,Phantom of the Opera),Alfred Hitchcock thrillers( Vertigo,the Birds,etc),Errol Flynn swashbucklers(Captain Blood,Robin Hood, etc), Gothic Horror( Twice Told Tales, Tell Tale Heart, Fall of the House of Usher,etc.)Hammer Horror classics(Vampire Circus,Dracula,etc.), Fantasy( Legend, The LOTR trilogy,Willow, Excalibur, etc.) Epics( Troy,Kindgome of Heaven, Braveheart,etc.),vampire movies(Underworld,Blade,Van Helsing,etc.), martial arts movies( Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Jackie Chan), movies based on classic literature{Wuthering Heights(Sir Lawrence Olivier and Merle Oberon),Jane Eyre(Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine),ROmeo and Juliet( Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey),etc.}.


the Law and Order trilogy, ER, The Bachelor, General Hospital, One Life to Live, All My Children, Survivor, NCIS, CSI, CSI New York, Cold Case Files, Forensic Files, Unsolved History, History's Mysteries, Cold Case,and Missing Persons


Wuthering Heights, Rebecca, Jane Eyre, Gone with the Wind, Count of Monte Cristo, Frankenstein,The Wind Done Gone,The Three Musketeers and Lord of the Rings.


Daughter Amanda (from previous marriage) who survived in spite of collapsed lung and complications arising from that, to being the bravest girl I know, my daughter Emily;who when I was sad, wrapped her tiny arms arond me and said" Mommy, you are not alone.... I am here and I love you!!", my brother-in-law Chris( been in Army since Gulf War and is still in),my dad who served this great nation of ours in the U.S. Army from 62- 85 and other members of my family who have served in the military in every battle this country fought, except for the Korean War, dating all the way back to the American Revolution.

My Blog

Learned a valuable lesson

I learned a lot about myself these past few months: I am a lot stronger than I gave myself credit for, a man can find me attractive for more than just my body, when I stick to my guns and do not give ...
Posted by Julianna McGinty on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 07:13:00 PST

The Soap Opera Life

Some very weird things have been going on lately and it is only recently that the truth has come to light and here it is... For the past three years, my step-mother has been asking my sister if her bo...
Posted by Julianna McGinty on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 02:19:00 PST

My Experience at the Rick Springfield Concert at the Anaheim House of Blues

Well, the day started uneventfully and when 3:00 P.M. rolled around I got on my bike and rode home.  When I got home, I called up the rental car place and requested a pick up; I decided to check ...
Posted by Julianna McGinty on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 10:07:00 PST

One door has closed

october 16th, was the day that my divorce was final but I showed no outward signs of its ill-effects and put on a brave face at work... not easy!!!  I started to let the facade slip a little and ...
Posted by Julianna McGinty on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 03:10:00 PST

Tomorrow is not Just Another Day

Tomorrow is not just another day, it is Dean's birthday and the day that our divorce is final; at first I thought that it was best for us to end this, not thinking about how much it would hurt. &...
Posted by Julianna McGinty on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 10:02:00 PST

Message to anyone who knows my Dean

If anyone out there knows my soon to be ex husband Dean Hassinger, give him a hug and let him know that you will be there for him.  This divorce was not easy for him, he felt it was necessary in ...
Posted by Julianna McGinty on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 11:03:00 PST

Got the final papers to sign

Today while cleaning, I found an envelope from U.P.S. addressed to me, I opened it and it contained the final papers that I need to sign, they arrived on Saturday, while I was gone to the Rick Springf...
Posted by Julianna McGinty on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 10:57:00 PST

Rick at the Coachella

Last night, I went to the Coachella and almost got lost again!!!  I do not know what it is with me and directions...anywhoo, I arrived at the Coachella and found somewhere to park.  I could ...
Posted by Julianna McGinty on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 10:57:00 PST

Rick at the Pala Casino

I needed to get away from everything that was going on here and I found out that Rick was going to be in concert less than fifty miles away from Hemet, in Pala and there was no way that I was going to...
Posted by Julianna McGinty on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 10:28:00 PST

My Review of the Rick Springfield Concert in Rowlett, Texas( I know it is a little late)

This was my first Rick Springfield concert ever, I took the roses and a rather embarrassing sign that read " I 'm a Rick Springfield concert virgin, please be gentle".  I wore an O.D. green ...
Posted by Julianna McGinty on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 09:49:00 PST