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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well, I pretty much have two sides to my personality. I have the loud, angry side which is pretty much just used for entertainment purposes. Then, there is my other side, the one that matters most. This side of me is a very caring, sensitive person. This side will cause me to go out of my way just to help another if they are in desperate need of help. This side also values the friendships that have been acquired in this life. I would give my life for just about any one of my friends, and the same goes for my family. With my friends and family, I almost feel like I can come over any hardship that is set in front of me. As far as the rest of me.........well.......you'll just have to ask I guess. IM me if you [email protected]

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Nissan - Image Hosting


My Interests

My interests consist of, but are not limited to the following: Swimming, Camping, Fishing, Video Games, Computers (love to build them), Reading, Music, and my greatest passion is driving. My favorite car is obviously a Nissan Skyline GT-R. I just love the look of the R34, it's such a beautiful car.

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet someone that I can really get to know on an emotional level. I have all the friends I really need, but I could always use more. :)


I am not limited to just one genre of music. You can pretty much find at least a few songs in almost all genres of music that you like. Some of my favorites consist of: Psychopathic Records, Slipknot, Incubus, Coheed and Cambria, Dropkick Murphys, Korn, Evanescence, Tom Petty, and so, so much more. I don't have the patience right now to list all of my favorites.


There are so many good movies that it is hard to think of just a few....I would have to say that some of my favorites include: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, 300, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, All the Quentin Tarantino films, Troy, Equilibrium, Resident Evil 1 and 2, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Italian Job, The Fifth Element, All of the Kevin Smith films, Oceans 11 and 12 (can't wait to see 13), I actually like alot of Disney movies too, That is all I can think of at the moment.


I don't really watch television. Haven't done much of it in the last few years.


The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Great and Secret Show, The Old Man and the Sea, and The Power of One are my favorites. I also read the Biography of Dr. Suess. It was very informative and interesting I thought.


My heroes consist of all of my friends and family. When there is nowhere else to turn, friends and family will always be there, at least the real friends anyway.

My Blog

Moving home!

So, I am currently on my way back from Rice Lake and I am pretty excited about it. I am gonna hit a dead spot with my phone soon, so I got to make this short. Just wanted to say that I have missed man...
Posted by Danson on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 12:32:00 PST

Moving Home

Just figured I would get my shit up to date a bit. I will be working my last day at the Turkey Store on January 15th. After I am done, I will be chilling in rice lake for a week. From there, I will be...
Posted by Danson on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 11:24:00 PST

Family Values was the shit

It was my first concert and all the bands that played were awesome. Evanescence and Korn were the highlight of the show for me, but I really enjoyed all the bands. It was a great show for my first con...
Posted by Danson on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 09:06:00 PST

Empty Space

Empty spaces,lonely places.Vacant hole,in my soul.What is the cause,I think while I pause.There's a girl that wants to be with me,but the fear inside of me won't let it be.I cannot get into something ...
Posted by Danson on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 03:38:00 PST

Moving has been cancelled

    I was planning on moving to Florida in a few weeks, but a turn of events has occured. I don't really feel like discussing all the details, but I am getting another promotion at work...
Posted by Danson on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 03:46:00 PST


It was hot out and I decided to go swimming. We drove all around looking for a good place to swim when we seen this railroad bridge. We climbed up and then jumped off, it was only about a 25 foot jump...
Posted by Danson on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:26:00 PST

my birthday

My birthday is on St Patricks day......which is the 17th for those of you who don't know........I am having a get together in Rice Lake........send me a message and let me know if you can or can't com...
Posted by Danson on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 05:02:00 PST

Take Me Away

Take Me AwaySitting alone, always seems to be that way,I had so many friends, now they've all gone away.I try to make new friends but they never last,it's like I'm being haunted by the demons of my pa...
Posted by Danson on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 03:07:00 PST

Fuck That Shit

Fuck That Shit!Don't call yourself my friend, this is where it ends,you have pushed me past the point of wanting to be friends.Don't say you know me when you obviously don't,why offer something so foo...
Posted by Danson on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 05:17:00 PST

Valentine's Day

Valentine's DayValentine's day is here once more,but this is the same as before.Nobody to have this day to share,nobody to show me that they care.Being alone isn't the hard part though,it is the littl...
Posted by Danson on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 05:03:00 PST