The mirror
Alex Zanardi....beyond that I Already met 'em...except for the dead ones and I met some of them too....AND I DARE YOU TO PRESS THE ARROW BELOW TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME !!!!!
Apocalypse Now; Redux, 2001; A Space Odyssey, Pulp Fiction, Blade Runner, Godfather, Goodfellas, Casino, Big Wednesday, Mad Max, The Tao Of Steve....Dude stuff...get it? Add in some, Catch Me If You Can, a little X-men..some Animal House...You get the Picture....No Fucking Gerry McGuiare shit!!!! (I can't even spell it!, I hated that stupid movie THAT MUCH!!!)
Deadwood...The Sopranos.....anything with a motor....death sports...blood stick and ball crap.....Formula 1 !!!! that's a sport!! ...everything else is just a game...Oh... and that Ali G Show cracks me up.....and the one stick and ball sport I love and play is tennis.
Flowers for algernon...the mouse and the motorcycle..catcher in the rye..all Jack Kerouac.... Jack London....all Kurt Vonnegut jr....Civil Disobedience by Thoreau....all Bukowski...Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.....comic books...Catch 22.....books with pictures...cook books...and I've even read good fairy tales like The Bible
STEVE McQUEEN...Gilles Villeneuve.....Matt Johnson...Tarzan....Batman...Emeril Lagasse....Alfalfa...Buckweat... Leroy the Masochist......Fletcher Christian.....Waxer.....Jack Kerouac....Hemingway.....THE CLASH!!!!!...Billy Jack....Evil Knievel.....Roy Batty and Pris or any (Nexus 6) replicant or Mutant