I have land in northern MN, Mattistan to be precise. yup. sweet. buddie. I play alot of straight pool (14.1).
Join the Minnesota Straight Pool League @ mnstraightpool.com
Support Third Parties.
Lots of things annoy me. Shorter list by popular demand:
idiotic drivers, bling & grills, materialism, blatant inconsideration, ignorance, excessive cell phone use, spam, safety nazis, heat & humidity, Toby Keith, drunk people who get in your "personal space", my aching body parts, that high pitched sound a tv makes.
Lots of things don't annoy me. Existence of this list was created by no demand:
lakes, trees, billiards, boobs, thunderstorms, loons, grilling, cold weather, Turkish, fishing, Minnesotan and Canadian accents, cigarette smoke, watching ants or spiders eat things, stars, clouds, the Cresent Moon Bakery.
Lots of things I really could care less either way. No such list was demanded/exists.
My playlist last changed at 23:29 CST August 20th, 2007 AD. I'm either completely bored, completely busy, or neither. I prefer neither. I send random messages to mostly random people, try not to be freaked out.chat with me on MSN Messenger = [email protected]
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