shana profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Some people think I am very even-headed - someone even said like a tugboat I just keep on going no matter what. Other people think I am irrational, emotional, neurotic, and obsessive. How can both be true, and why would anyone want to know someone who posessed these very much opposed characteristics? I don't know.

My Interests

biking (bicycling) - especially in the city, russian novels, other good novels, canoeing, teaching, cooking, writing, rock climbing, listening to music, playing music, computer junk, watching movies, walking around.


a lot


the abyss, ghostbusters, zoolander, the big lobowski, the royal tannenbaums, lord of the rings tril, woody allen movies, super troopers


Fiction that is good. Currently am into popular Russians (Tolstoy, Solzenitzen, etc). Also Oe and Gordimer, both off of a recommendation by my friend Olivia who is always right about these things. I'm not quite able to read super visual, messing-with-language stuff like Pynchon (Gravity's Rainbow), but I'll get there one day.