My daughter (Gwenivere), Friends, Snowboarding, Music, Movies, Computers, and .........
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Online Videos by Veoh.comOldies, 80's, 90's, from rap to R&B to easy listening. Pretty much anything except heavy metal, hard rock, and punk. Even Chinese and Korean music of which I don't understand a single word.
Hmm... Forest Gump...i'll add more later when i'm not too lazy.
My favorite has to be "Malcom in the Middle." It's smart, hilarious, and just all out crazy! I also like Frazier, Will and Grace, NYPD Blue, Law and Order, almost all cartoons, Jeopardy, and any Educational TV.
"You Forever" by T. Lobsang Rampa. A book that i have considered to be my own personal Bible. Other than that I think I have what professionals call A.D.D. Either that or I just hate reading. I usually can't get past the introduction without being distracted by something else. I love picture books though!