I am a Priestess and Daughter of the Mother Goddess, Hecate!
I am shy, but once I warm up you might want to keep me around.
I am curious by nature, sometimes intense, and I often let my inner child out to play.
I will go out of my way to make you smile.
I love to engage people in interesting conversations!
I cherish honesty, trust, open mindedness and true-heartedness in people.
I enjoy meeting like-minded people who share similar interests as my own! I am even happier to meet people who have something completely new to share and talk to me about. I am a studio artist and I enjoy photography, painting, sketching, airbrushing, set design, model kit building/painting and Special effects make-up! I enjoy music, all types of music, I love to DJ. I studied Classical music in college and from this I allow myself to "Feel" and “Hear†the beats! I am a "lover" of life, people and this wonderful planet we call home! I am a bit of a Biological Anthropology nut. I am fascinated by and welcome conversations on topics of the environment, ancient civilizations & religions, Art, Ancient Architecture ~ (Greek, Roman & Egyptian), Art History, Dinosaur Fossils, Geology, Astronomy, Evolution Theory ~ (Hominids, primitive man, the Great Apes and primates). I am Pagan and each day I am spiritually in tune with the Goddess and all that is around me! I do believe with all my being that Nature and Science are one in the same! I enjoy Meditation and spiritual oneness with everything around me!
I am addicted to Video/PC games and Battlestar Galactica! I am an avid Horror freak, anything Undead will make my night! I have a morbid fascination with death. I am Wampyri and that small part of Gypsy blood in me makes it just that much more fun! Yes, Halloween is my favorite Holiday! I am a Libra and I never stop thinking, even while I sleep I am contemplating life and what makes me “Tick†~~ I am constantly looking for something interesting to occupy my time or I am looking to learn new things! I can and will be very passionate about life, my family, my friends, my career, and the environment!
Simply put, I am a Witch ~ a GOOD Wytch at that! I would never harm another living creature, as I revere all life as sacred as my own life. Nor, am I the Hocus Pocus type! I do not adhere to any Neo-Traditions! Rather, I follow the old ways of our Mother Goddess. I shadow the cycles of the Moon, the Ebb and Flow of the tides, the cycle of Birth, Death & Rebirth, the Balance of Nature and all living things within. I was born on a full Moon and thereupon I am at my best!
A little about me!
Familiars & Magical Friends!
The Artistic side of me:
DJ DEADSIDE here! ~ Are you ready to dance your Ass off!! Take a listen to some of my sets......Turn it up!!
Check out this MySpace MP3 Player !
I have this need, a very intense need to mix Dark heavy Beats, Progressive, Tribal, Circuit, House, Electronic, Trance, Techno, Dance, Vocal Club Anthems & anything with a deep driving Bass line & Percussion.......I want to see you dance your ASS off! I fancy putting together my own signiture themed mixs, whether it is for Gay Pride, Halloween or a Dark, Goth, Industrial, Alternative set! I love messing around with Sound effects, Survival Horror game music, LOK Soul Reaver soundtrack music, movie soundtrack stuff and anything Dark that will allow me to create my desired composition!
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