Dave Underground <bxug> profile picture

Dave Underground &lt;bxug&gt;

I am SO scene.- All this time this headline has been sarcastic. I don't think anyone got it.

About Me

One of the Founders of the Bronx Underground (check out the new Bronx Underground MYSPACE! ), Guitarist for Afflitus ( also Afflitus on MySpace ), Music Teacher for many- I seem to be nothing but one big musical rendition of "the real world", minus all the drama. Which would make for a pretty boring show- which is why I don't watch any Television.
What the hell am I talking about here? This is supposed to be the space where visitors who know me "learn" a bit about me (despite the fact that I speak to them on a regular basis, and no additional information can be provided in such a short context), and those that don't know me go: Whoo! that' boy's HOT! I'ma send him a message!! (whereas, they do and I choose not to respond to them because I am a lechrous man who only looks at pictures- or they don't and we never have a meaningful discussion- ending another long lineage that may have contributed to the advancement of human genetics ).
But in reality, its the section that is skipped by most people to just go to the pics.
and now, a haiku:
This my space account
Is an empty shell I will
Barely ever use.

If I have not frightend you away from this profile yet, it must be beause you know me and are interested in what I could possibly write in this confined internet slate. I am here to inform you, that if you are looking for creativity or originality, you should read a book. The internet gives everybody the impression that they are creative and funny, and this is just not the case. So once again, I invite you- just look at the Pics.
There is no room for sardonic humor. Here is a verse from a random book on my desk:
"Erase 'Very Good' from the mechanical drawing. Replace it with 'Your attention to detail on figure B was precise and went beyond the minimum criteria."
-Chick Moorman
These things are what you must know about me. Glean what you can off of the material provided as there will be a test later. Those who are good at standardized testing formats will be forced to fight a Bear instead.

My Interests

Afflitus, Bronx Underground, Camping, Hiking, Oudoor Activites, Adventure, Travel, Guitar, Music, Earning Money, Spending Money, Politics, Liberal Thought, Alternative Histories, Parties where kegs or nudity are involved, Community Activism, Cynicism, Science, Physics, Culture, Fancy Restaraunts, Poker.

I'd like to meet:

Some people with money to invest in my companies.


I spent a long time railing against the banality of popular music, but am now starting to appreciate the subtle genius of a well written hook. Wait a minute- that really doesn't let you know what kind of music I like... Punk, Metal, Jazz, Prgressive, Experimental? Close enough.


While I was busy creating a highly defined form of musical snobbery- I neglected to learn anything substantial about film. As a result- I like almost everything I see. One of the wonders of ignorance, I suppose.


I never have time to watch TV. Love the Family Guy though.


Noam Chomsky, Tom Clancy, Harry Potter (yes- I read them all. This makes me a girly-fag-man), The Making of the Atomic Bomb, John Stewart's new book, Boondocks, Doonsebury, anything you leave at my house for more than a day.


I need a role model. Suggestions?

My Blog

Bronx Underground Compilation... COMPLETE!!!

An Album Five Years In The Making.... Most independent musicians in the NYC music scene struggle and plead for shows, fans and recognition. The ultra-saturated, ultra-processed and flat out difficul...
Posted by Dave Underground <bxug> on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 05:25:00 PST

Bronx Underground Compilation- it's coming!

What can I say- I am excited! This thing is actually happening! This week was extremely productive, as I got the oppertunity to work with some AMAZING musicians on the production of the first EVER ...
Posted by Dave Underground <bxug> on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST