I'd like to meet:
Other hep, cultured cats, and a hot rich guy for my mom!!
Stray cats, Faster Pussycat, Skinny puppy, Mozart
Cat in the Hat, Felix the Cat: Jack of all Trades ('27), That Darn Cat!, The Counterfeit Cat, The Private Life of a Cat, The Cat Above and the Mouse Below, Cat and Mouse, The Cat and the Fiddle, The Cat Came Back, Cat's Cradle, Cat's Eye, Cat in the Act, A Cat is a Cat, Cat Happy, Cat's Meow, Cat on a Hot Tin roof, The Cat's Out, Cat Nap, Cat People, The Cat that Hated People, The Cat's revenge, La Chatte Metamorphosee en Femme, Il Gatto, The Black Cat, The Flying Cat, need I go on?
Sebrina the Teenage Witch, Simpsons, Scooby Doo, Jerry Springer (cat fights!), Discovery and Animal Planet
Watership Down (rabbits, yum!), Secret of Nimh (rats, YUM!), Through the Looking Glass (Go Cheshire!), Jaws, The Cat From Outer Space, Howliday Inn, Cat in the Hat
Cat Woman (Meee----OOW!)