I would like for you to meet my Civil War Boyfriend.
Damn Wisdom Teeth.I would like for you to meet my Civil War Boyfriend.
Damn Wisdom Teeth.Books. Movies. Crossword Puzzles. Texture. Parties with Themes. People. Photography. Dinosaurs. Hats. Clean Sheets. Things on Fire. Mirco-Dermabrasion. Squand. Bouncy Balls. Trick Ass Dance Moves. Sike. Commercials. Mittens. Fancy Pens. Dr. Pepper.
Roy Chapman Andrews
The Wonder Years. Full House. Saved by The Bell. COPS. MythBusters. Sharkweek. Shitty Reality. Anything produced by Tim Gunn. The Office. LOST. Sex and the City. America's Funniest Home Video's. Grey's Anatomy. Nip/Tuck. Arrested Development.
I actually read a lot.