MakingMusic,Films,Reading,Writing thoughts & ideas,playing bass,vandalising,kickin'it with friends,jammin,going to shows and anything else exciting that I forgot to mention...
PSYCH0(1960),Pans Labyrinth,Pet Sematary,Evil Dead,Night of the Living Dead,City of the Dead,Children of Men,I Eat Your Skin,King of the Zombies,V for Vendetta,Plan 9 From Outerspace,Invasion of the Bodysnathcers,Dial M for Murder,House by the Cementary,Diary of the Dead,Reservoir Dogs,Pulp Fiction,Sin City,The Matrix,Soylent Green,The Departed,Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada,The Strangers,No Country for Old Men,All of M. Night Shyamalan's films
Animal Farm,1984,Anthem,Martian Chronicles,Hairstyles of the Damned,Fahrenheit 451,House of the Spirits,Lord of the Flies,0f Mice & Men,Barcode Tattoo,MarvelZombies,Brave New World,Bar Code Rebellion, pamphlets,A Clockwork 0range,The Machine Stops,Karmasutra
My Brotha Mayn