text, sex, hair, nair, tan, man(s), shoes, booze, late nights, girl fights, MoreHead, in bed, rings, wings, cars, bars, Joes, Hoes, different area codes, Beach, peach, hotels, motels, cuddle, snuggle,beer before liquor, never sicker, passed out, with out a doubt, in bed, as drunk as I said... (((wake up, don't remember a damn thing)) drink much???
*Come Monday It'll Be Alright~Its 5 o'clock somewhere!~My Jamacian Vacation is Going to Start Right Here!~Wont you Back that Thing up!~One Headlight~Carolina GIrls Best in the WORLD~Sweeter Than Candy Hotter than Heat~SHAMMA LAMMA~ *Come Monday It'll Be Alright~Its 5 o'clock somewhere!~My Jamacian Vacation is Going to Start Right Here!~Wont you Back that Thing up!~One Headlight~Carolina Girls Best in the WORLD~Sweeter Than Candy Hotter than Heat~SHAMMA LAMMA~Mustang Sally~ ~
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sugarland, bon jovi, rascal flatts, oar, carrie underwood, chris daughtry, band of oz, sea cruz, corey smith etc
one tree hill, greek, american idol, las vegas, mtv, cmt,
Mom and Dad