Jaws profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

You remember that time I was swimming around, minding my sexy-shark business, when that Richard Dreyfuss nerd, and Sea-Quest tool showed up in my ocean singing a stupid song and asking to be murdered? Neither do they. As far as they're concerned, it was ME who was at fault. I recently got a call from my attorney, Pig Businessman, to alert me that they were attempting to file a class-action suit. (Presumably on behalf of stupid stupid boaters everywhere.) More on this story as it develops.
In other news, it seems there are a lot more open-minded people here on Myspace than I ever would have thought possible. Only here, in the unbiased, ridiculous world of Myspace would delicious people befriend a killing machine like myself. Almost brings a tear to my cold, lifeless eye. Until I remember sharks can't cry and I flip out and eat an entire town. Well, see ya later.

My Interests

Well I've got to put eating way up there on the list. I'm also a hopeless romantic. If we make it past the first date without me totally killing you, I'm like putty in your hands. Unless I smell blood. I can't be held accountable after such. I'm also dabbling in invention.

I'd like to meet:

Ariel, the little mermaid


phillip glass, john cage, and sometimes john williams. he wrote this one piece that consists mainly of only 2 notes, but it does the job. I sing it to myself whenever I'm mauling the helpless: dun dun....dun dun...dundundundundundundun...That totally pumps me the frig up.


Me, Me: 2, Me: 3, Me: The Revenge, and that movie where Hulk Hogan played a nanny. He is one versatile artist.


I can't hold anything near enough to my eyes to be able to read. Also, I'm a shark.


Aquaman. Anyone who has the balls to try and tell me what to do deserves some credit. Aquaman, if you're reading this, the 'tights and outer-underwear thing' makes you look like a totally convincing straight guy.

My Blog


So? Tag me, eh?  That's risky business I think. Coach Ted has tagged me with a survey.  I have to list 6 things you may not know about me.  Ordinarily I maul anyone who orders me around...
Posted by Jaws on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 03:26:00 PST

Invention time

Well, as some may have noticed, I'm putting rock-stardom on the proverbial back burner for now.  But, since I'm otherwise unemployable, I've taken up science study.  I'm convinced that with ...
Posted by Jaws on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Some of you have been wondering about what motivates me to be so awesome.  What's that you say?  How CAN I be so awesome living under the sea and without pupils?  Well boy, you've got a...
Posted by Jaws on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Pop quiz: What has an insatiable appetite for helpless and often adorable seals? Give up? It's totally me. Next time you're cruising deep below the ocean surface, check it out for yourself bro. p...
Posted by Jaws on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My first Blog!!1

Like, so some of you out there might be wondering "how does this giant, sexy shark have access to a computer?" well I can tell you the answer to that question, but I think a better question would be ...
Posted by Jaws on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST