antiques, books, bottlecaps, buttons, fabric, Gocco, paper, recycling, retro cupcake toppers, thriftstore finds, upcycling, vintage cabochons and charms
Letter-writers, card-senders, jewelry-wearers, gift-givers, book-readers, fellow crafters, artists, art-swappers, craft fair vendors and organizers, anyone with a sense of humor that informs their aesthetics, pen pals, and DIY fans of every stripe.
mix tapes circa 1994
Adorn magazine, catalogs, clip art books, cookbooks, CROQ zine, discarded library books, how-to guides, illustrated children's books, magazines, ReadyMade magazine, sex-ed books, textbooks from a bygone era, vintage encyclopedias, wallpaper sample books, zines
S. Britt, Tim Burton, Henry Darger, Edward Gorey, Jim Henson, Barbara Kruger, Stella Marrs, Nikki McClure, Richard Scarry, the Etsy team