MUSIC MONEY WEED MEN.GET YA MONEY UP- STAND BY ME. STAY HUMBLE AND BE STILL. TALK A STORY AN TEACH A LESSON OR TWO. SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE ILL SWALLOW THE REST.photobucket eats shit.... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
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Made out for more than 3 minutes?: hell yea- that shit can get intense
Made out in a movie theater?: wit my girls boyfriend, Tony; it was back in middle school damn
Been in love?: hell yea- so hard for so long..
Danced in front of your mirror?: it's 6' by 6' me an my girls all dance infront
Gotten a hickey?: hell yea; an had made known by all Jimmy Z of ny- leave me alone faggots
Gotten in a fist fight?: hell yea- got my ass kicked once or twice too
Left your house without telling your parents?: you serious?
Slept in a bed with a member of the same or opposite sex?: yea yea
Kissed a picture?: probably
Love someone or miss someone right now?: hell yea
Been lonely?: hell yea
Been to a club?: come on now
Hated the way you look?: hell yea- old school pictures theres a few
Cried yourself to sleep?: damn- far too many times before
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?: hell yea
Sung in the shower?: hell yea
Had a dream that you married someone?: nah
Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?: hell nah
Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?: I love that shit
Laugh so hard that you cry?: hell fuckin yea- love that shit too
Forgotten someone's name?: damn too often
Cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend?: hell nah
Do you celebrate the 4th of July?: hell nah
Thought about running away?: hell yea- when I was in 2nd grade. I packed socks an Flavor Ice? I made it two blocks
Cried over someone?: yea yea
Dated someone more than once?: hell nah- actually yea..
Broken a cd?: it was a challenge at the time too
Been on myspace for more than 5 hours?: nah- but I'm sure I could do it
Have a major crush on someone right now?: hell nah is you stupit
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
Those who stick with their thoughts and keep shit live... width="425" height="350" ..