Well my main interests are writing and baseball. I've always loved story and I've always had a good imagination, so writing was the next logical choice. I love to be able to write something down and say "yeah, I did this". In fact, that's the whole reason I'm in school now; to learn more about the different aspects of writing and see what I can use or mix around to tell a good story. I hope to be a novelist some day. Baseball kind of came out of (and excuse the bad pun) left field. My mother's a Yankees fan and my father's a Mets fan, so they watched a bit of baseball every now and then, but 2 years ago during that insane 2003 Yankees vs Red Sox ALCS, I just got sucked into the game. I wasn't too thrilled by the 2004 ALCS but this is the first time I've watched an ENTIRE season of baseball straight through. I went to my first Yankees game this year and my third Mets game. I still got a lot to learn, but I love baseball right now.
I must've done written in this box so many times, as my tastes constantly change. Truth be told, I'm not really looking for anyone now. That's not to say I wouldn't be interested in someone should she present herself, but as for right now, I'm of the mind that "I'll cross that bridge when I find it"
For me, it's three bands: Duran Duran, Eiffel 65, and A-Ha. Sure I listen to a lot of other things; instrumental songs, LOTS of 80's songs, but those 3 are the ones I have most in my music files.
Greatest movies ever: Die Hard, Superman the movie, The Neverending Story, Streets of Fire, Hudson Hawk (no, I'm not kidding), Sin City, Any Indiana Jones movie, Ocean's Eleven, Oceans' Twelve, Punisher (Both versions were pretty good), Catch Me If You Can, Godfather Trilogy, James Bond Flicks, The Saint, Big Fish.
Seinfeld, Simpsons, Prison Break,Robot Chicken, Family Guy, Futurama, Venture Bros, Torchwood, Doctor Who,Carnivale, Married with Children, Batman the Animated Series (Not The Batman, that sucks!), Justice League, Farscape, Smallville,The Kids in the Hall, SNL, Drawn Together and 24.
I like things with a hint of mystery and intrigue. Spy thrillers are good too. I'm very much a fan of Kim Newman's Diogenes Club stories, but I've read Angels and Demons, the Da Vinci Code ; old pulp favorites like Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan stories or his other claim to fame in John Carter of Mars tales. Anything with an intriguing story (usually involving the secret history of the fictional world) will get my money. Oh, and Neil Gaiman's novels are fun to sit down with, too.
You can pull admiration from a number of sources; be it family, friends, and so on. Gun to my head, though, I'd pick Bruce Willis. He made being a wise-ass fashionable again and if anyone can identify with that, it'd be me.