Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comwell now lets see...
i like music,
i like gigs,
i like watching films, making films,
some tv shows,
good computer games,
dancing with girls,
going out with friends,
staying in with friends,
doing out-of-the-norm things everyonce and a while (routines get boooring!),
but most of all i like......my tubs.
someone that makes me smile... AWESOME I HAVE!!
lol everyone always says it but, i like trying out new stuff.. try and keep a range of music i listen too..
well 'the notebook's' my fave lol... just kidding!!.. jeez it'd be christmas day everyday for rosie rose if that was true!!
Which O.C. Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty24,
Balttlestar Galactica,
and FAMILY GUY!!!!!!
At the moment, 'U-bit',before, 'Ultraviolet'
Jamie Cullum,Robbie Williams,and my Dad......