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Guilty Desire

I Support Independent Music

About Me

I'm a 22 year old mother of 2 boys one and two years old. They're 15 monthes apart - might as well get it all done at once right? My kids are my life they drive me crazy sometimes but they are what keep me strong, grounded and keep me focused. I work part time at an acounting firm and I'm currently a full time student majoring in Psychology, time for a new challege. I've acoplished motherhood I've been a stay at home mom since i was 19, almost 3 years - Im old fashion like that i feel its on me to take care of home as a women. But now i feel its time to get out there and create a new beginning because all three of our futures lye in my lets get it baby, Im ready. I'm honest and out spoken at times. I say whats on my mind when its on my mind and that gets me in trouble cuz I put my foot in my mouth sometimes but I'm true to myself as well as others. Im spontaneous, out going, and genuine, what you see is what you get. The little thing are what make me smile. I like to make the people in my life happy and get disappointed when i dont. Its not hard to please me i'm a pretty easy going person. I dont mind competition i like a challege. Im in love with love. Im free spirited and fun loving girl with a big heart. I like to go out and have a good time... but I cant party too much cuz i gotta stay home and do my mommy thing. Im not a girl tryin' to fit in wearing the latest trends or keeping up with the Jones Im not too worried about what everyone else is doing. I wear what makes me feel good. One day You could catch me rocked out baggy pants, tight shirt and spikey belt, then prepy with a button up sirt and a sweater vest over it, and the next jean suit and tims on. I just do me...i was born to stand out!
" You can say anything about me that you please...But i am what i am and that is something you can never be" ~ "A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, Listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left" - Marilyn MonroeSome bad qualities and habbits are: I'm always late. I eat too much junk food. I smoke cigarettes, I get stressed when things are messy, everything has to have a place. I'm a sucker for love. I'm grumpy when i wake up. I'm somtimes too sensitive and my feelings get hurt easily. I'm also quick to get defensive but i can get over it just as quick. I care too much what other people think of me. I wont leave my house if my hair isn't done. I dislike when someone says one thing and does another. I cant stand two faced people & gossip. I snoop threw cell phones - every girl does dont let them lie. Well i take that back i didn't always...but when the trust is broken females arn't your boo's no more fellas, their detectives. I have a hard time trusting in people from too many years of expecting too much. Cuz these days theres 1 good outta 50 grimmy people. If someone takes advantage of me i can usually forgive but that shit stays in my mind, i cant forget. I can have a real bad attitude sometimes but who cant right? And we can't forget the two worst qualities of a female...yes i too can get insecure and jealous at times, with reason of course. But that too is also because i expect people to be as loyal as I am.
"Trust no Man, Fear no Bitch" ~ "Who are you to judge the life i live? I know i'm not perfect, and i dont live to be. But before you start pointing fingers... make sure your hands are clean" - Bob Marley
I dont have too many girl-friends just the ones i concider my sisters. You dont want too many sisters because thats too many hatas/females in ya bubble, too many cat-fights and not to mention too many clothes barrowed and never returned. Too many females together = trouble. Everyone knows or should know how grimmy, trifflin, jealous and fake bitches can be. They' ll smile in ya face but as soon as you turn around really hate on you so choose ya "friends" wisely. My sisters is the Flyest, the Freshest, the Realest, the Truest, and they always gonna be there no matter what goes down. Always cofident - Never cocky. Always classy - Never trashy. Always know our place and compliment any arm - Never scared of compitition. Our shoulder hold no chips or egos, whatcha think they all mad at us for.
The song "Umbrella" is the best way i can come to explain to bond we have with each other.
Rihanna - Umbrella ft.Jay-z

First we got my right hand Alyssa aka Ms. Eva she is the Godmother of my two boys it couldnt have been anyone else. Hmm it kinda unexplainable we're more like sisters then friends. She is just like me in so many ways but so different in all right ways. We can have a smile on our faces and we still know somthing up. We'll say somethin when the other one is thinkin it but bites their tounge.We got each others back no matter what. We'll tell the truth when we ask "how does this look?" if it looks bad it looks bad or if we can work with it, just change the top or the shoes. We gonna tell each other if we got somthing in our teeth, or if our makeup is running. If we got on too much makeup " Bitch you like a clown, go wash ya face" or "girl you lookin a mess you better go put some makeup on." We'll tell each other "what the hell is wrong with you get ya head right." Or "yeah right you aint gonna do that stop talkin shit." If we're in a bad situation we aint gonna sugar coat it to each other we're gonna say it just like it is but never judge each other or hold dissions we've made against each other or look at each other differently. We just read each other.We mesh well ya know?
"God made us best friends because he knew our Moms couldn't handel us as sisters" ~ "A girl needs 3 things in life: Love to make her weak, Alcohol to make her strong, and best friends when they both make her hit the floor"
Now for my girl Mae Mae shes finally free so she needs to be recognized up in my space....lets see well i can start by saying she is definatly one of a kind especially that laugh of hers...haha. She does the dumbest shit that just be gettin her in trouble .... and im the type of friend thats not going to let her live it down. Im going to tell her every day how stupid it was and how mad i am. But you know we all do dumb shit sometimes. Thats life we learn from our mistakes. She has the biggest heart i know. She'd give the fattest person in the world her coat if she thought they were cold. She says the dumbest things too. Your like where the hell did that just come from but then you realize oh yeah its Meghan. She can be ditsy at times and you would swear she should have been blonde but thats why i love her. She can make me laugh when my whole world is going wrong. Through some of my roughest times she was right there holding my head for me when i couldn't. She would crawl into bed with me just so i wouldn't be lonely -or probably just cuz it was more comforable then the couch but ya know. Shes like 5' right (she gained weight while she was away) but she used to be like 100 pounds, little shit right. You get a 40 or two in that girl (yes she will drink 2) you would swear she Mike Tyson - Fight everybody. And make her loose a game a spades. Oh my lord she will flip she takes that shit beyond serious. You will never be her partner again. She probably wont even be your friend for a week or two. Her and Alyssa Champions in the spades. They be cheatin though...haha. you know i had to put that in there. We can't forget our many missions and jail time for stop sign that dosent exist anymore. I missed her so much while she was gone. Nuttin but love baby. But right now she FRONTIN like she aint got time for the girl no more thats alright though, i see how it is...BITCH
"Real Friends walk in when the whole world walks out" ~ "A good friend will be there to bail you outta jail. A real friend will be sittin' right next to you sayin' Damn we fucked up this time"
I believe what goes around comes around 10 fold. I also believe God doesn't give you anything you cant handle. No matter how rough you think you got it somone out there has it a whole lot worse so be thankful for what you got. What doesnt kill ya only makes ya stronger. Life is what ya make it so live it to its fullest. Every thing happens for a reason. Love is pain. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Don't hold grudges, learn to forgive. Because no one is perfect, everybody makes mistakes, just learn from them. Dont try to be somthin you not. It's better to be hated for what you are, then to be loved from thing your not. Don't let anyone play God and judge you. Forget the Fake Recognize the Real. I can't knock the hustla ....
I support independent music. I rep for "Mad Block Time" Nuttin' But Krack Ent. if you dont know who they are you need to .... see my interest/music for their url. Also i gave you a sneak peek with the song "Black Boy" featured on my profile. Also the video below "Wake up in the Morning"....

My Interests

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Your Personality Profile
You are sexy, powerful, and bold.
You're full of passion and energy...
Sometimes this passion has a dark side.
You feel most alive when you're seducing someone.
You never fail to get someone's attention.
Quick minded, you're also quick to lose your temper!

You are dignified, spiritual, and wise.
Always unsatisfied, you constantly try to better yourself.
You are also a seeker of knowledge and often buried in books.
You tend to be philosophical, looking for the big picture in life.
You dream of inner peace for yourself, your friends, and the world.
A good friend, you always give of yourself first

You are nurturing, kind, and lucky.
Like mother nature, you want to help everyone.
You are good at keeping secrets and tend to be secretive.
A seeker of harmony, you are a natural peacemaker.
You are good natured and people enjoy your company.
You put people at ease and make them feel at home with you.

Your Personality Type Is INFJ:
The Protector

As a protector....
You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.
Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.
You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience.
You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them.

You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher.

Your Personality Is

As the Guardian....
You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented.
Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules.

You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader.
You are interested in rules and order. Morals are important to you.

A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do.
You're very serious, and people often tell you to lighten up.

In love, you tend to take things carefully and slowly.

At work, you are suited to almost any career - but you excel in leadership positions.

With others, you tend to be polite and formal.

As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself.

On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

Your Birthdate: August 10
Independent and dominant, you tend to be the alpha dog in most situations.
You're very confident, and hardly anything ever shakes you.
Mundane tasks tend to drain you - you prefer to be making great plans.
You are quite original. When people don't "get" you, it bothers you a lot.

Your strength: Your ability to gain respect
Your weakness: Caring too much what others think
Your power color: Orange-red
Your power symbol: Letter X
Your power month: October

Leo - Your Love Profile
Your positive traits:
You're almost always the center of attention - and easy for potential dates to spot
Your happiness and optimism is appealing to all... and contagious!
You don't hold grudges - getting over little fights is no problem for you

Your negative traits:
You tend to ignore relationship problems, until they are too big to handle
You crave luxury, and you are disappointed with partners who can't provide you with it
If someone does you wrong, you'll coldly and cruelly break their heart

Your ideal partner:
Someone high status enough to bring you more attention - but not so great that they upstage you
Makes you laugh and brings excitement to everything you do together
Is aggressive and confident enough to butt heads with you every so often

Your dating style:
High expectations. You need to be impressed with an incredible first date for a second one to occur.

Your seduction style:
You like to make the first move - you're fearless about initiating things
Passionate. You really get into any intimate act.
Aggressive. Most of the time, you find yourself wanting sex more than your partner.

Best color to attract mate: Gold
Best day for a date: Sunday

Your Moon Sign is Gemini

The Moon governs your emotional side, your daily habits, and what's going on in your life under the surface.

Mutable Gemini makes for a restless and erratic Moon. This sign is also marked by a lively, inquisitive emotional nature. Extroverted and funny your quick to laugh and make others laugh. Also just as quick to to flip-flop to a darker mood
A Gemini Moon is curious too, needing constant stimulation, and talkative Gemini makes this moon quick to let others know its feelings as well.
Gemini Moons use their quick wit to hide the inside you from the world. Gemini Moons also spend a lot of time trying to analyze their feeling themselves, because Gemini is a thinking sign.
You like to think away your emotions, you're more cerebral then sensitive. A Gemini Moon in fact feels with its mind, a most unusual combination.

Your Rising Sign is Libra

Your Rising Sign represents the "You" that the out side world preseives, as well as your personality traits, needs, and your physical characteristics.

Rising Scales often have refined and delicate features, a certain beauty and charm, and a manner of dressing that is always clean, neat, and in good taste - with a strong sense of style and color.
A total charmer, it's hard for people to say no to you.
Irresistable and attractive, you have no shortage of people who want to be your love interest.
Totally competitive, you tend to thrive in stressful enviroments.
A peaceful soul, you avoid conflict at almost all costs.
Sometimes you try too hard to please those around you.
But you have a great inner strength that helps you bounce back easily.I love to shop...haha...but what female doesn't. Watching movies of all genres. Cooking everything, if i've never cooked it before i love learning how...if you can cook ya can cook anything. Going to the park (well my kids like that more then me all i do is chase him around yelling "Get down", "Not so high", "No,No", "Slow down","Stop" so i guess i should say...) I have fun watching my kids have fun. Im a sucker for fairs and festival. Im Crafty and creative, i like making home-made cards and plaques. I think they have a lot more meaning to them. Because your the only one who can really explain how you feel.I think its more fun then spending hours in the store finding a card that applies to the person an occasion and paying 4 - 5 $ on a couple sentences of someone elses thoughts. Last but not least, I love writing music and poetry

I'd like to meet:

Real people who arn't all about themselves. People who are funny is always good, I like to laugh. I hate sneeky people and liers the gotta be honest. Communication is key in any relationship. People who can talk about anything with out getting uptight or defensive is a great quality in itself. People who can admit when they're wrong and can confess when they do thing. People who make the best outta their situation where ever they are or what ever struggle comes their way. I hate people who sit around feelin sorry for themselves but aint doin shit to change it. I like people who like to make everything fun, if they in the house or on vacation in the bahamas.
"I'm Sick of Love ~ The guy who only wants one thing, the guy who doesnt know what he wants, the guy who does but wont admit it ~ i just want the real thing" ~ "One day your gonna wake up and realize how much you care for her - and when that day comes, she'll be waking up next to the guy that already knew"

Destiny Child ~ Soldier

I'd like to meet anyone who is interested in my boys "Mad Block Time" I'd love to hear peoples opinions on the music. You are who they are trying to please so your opinion matters.

Rappers and Singers: Hova and his beautiful B, Memphis Bleek, Remy, Keisha Cole, D-Block, Mary J. Dipset and the amazing Alicia Keys. My comedians: Bernie Mac, Katt Williams and Monique. Actors and actresses: Angelina Jolie, Samuel L Jackson, Gabrielle Union and Denzel Washington. Also I can't forget, Jamie Fox. I didn't know what category to put him under because he can fall under all of the above. My Poet: Maya Angelou. Last but definatly not least Opera - I wish she could be our president - the 1st black female - that would be the best thing to ever happen to this country!!

Shout out to those locked up: My lil homie Dee-$$, My girl Shawna, Matt aka Hammer Time, My Fam. Micky, Show & Tom...Keep ya head up...can't wait to see ya again.

RIP: Bob Marley, Jimmy Hendrix, Biggie, 2Pac, Pun, Left Eye, Aaliyah, & Jam Master J. Also AnnMarie Neglia, Janice Jones and Elizabeth Stepp.

Your True Love Is a Scorpio
Why you'll love a Scorpio:
Strong and sexy, Scorpio will overpower you into falling in love (before you even realize it!).
You'll love being swept away by Scorpio - into a world of insane passion.

Why a Scorpio will love you:
You don't mind letting your Scorpio take the reigns, as long as you know you're truly cared for.
Loyal and devoted, you would never do anything to set off insanely jealous Scorpio.

Ciara ~ Promise


I like Hip-Hop, R&B, Reggae... My kids father is a musician check him out at his url....
.."Mad Block Time"
Nuttin' But Krack Entertainment *Upstates finest*
They Takin' It Over

Let me Upgrade U


Scareface, all the Godfathers, Training Day, Bella Mofia, Good Fellas, all the Friday's, all the Madea's, all the Saws, Stigmota, Bronx Tale, Half Baked, Eva, Soul Plane, Color Purple, Menace to Society, Four Brothers, Carlito's Way, Blue Hill Avenue, Two Can Play that Game, Juice, The Brothers, Golden Child, Cheech an Chong, and anything with Berny Mac in it. Theres more i just cant think of them right now.


I don't watch much tv my sons D-Boe me on that. But i like those shows on channel 50 when they redo ya house....those are that corny?



My Mother, my Kids, and my sons father for giving me my lil heros.....

Jadakiss feat. Mariah Carey

My Blog

A Little More

1. What color is your car ?   Soon to be White2. What color is your razor/shaver?     Grey & black3. What state are you in?    New York4. Can...
Posted by Guilty Desire on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 03:28:00 PST

What's In a Name?

A: Loves to Flirt B: Loves people C: BEST SMILE D: Has one of the best personalities ever E: Freaking beautiful F: People wild and crazy adore you. G: Never let people tell you what to do. H: Easy to ...
Posted by Guilty Desire on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 07:34:00 PST

The Guilty Game

This is The Guilty Game. Next to the questions, put your answers as either guilty or innocent. Guilty if you have, innocent if you haven't. 1. Dated outside your race?Guilty2. Given a hickey?Guilty3. ...
Posted by Guilty Desire on Wed, 09 May 2007 01:47:00 PST

50 things a man should know about his woman

1. know how to make her laugh when she dosent even wanna smile2. You hav eto show you love her not just say it3. Girls love attention from the guy they love so make her feel sexy4. girls love it when&...
Posted by Guilty Desire on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 07:13:00 PST

Celebrity Look - Alikes

Posted by Guilty Desire on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 01:40:00 PST

Mayhem's Personality

  ..> Your Personality Cluster is Extraverted Intuition You are:A true wordsmith - a master of wordsOriginal, spontaneous, and a true inspirationHighly energetic, up for any challengeEntertai...
Posted by Guilty Desire on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 10:57:00 PST

Ms. Mayhem's Lovin'

How You Are In Love You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time. You tend to give more than take in relationships. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone...
Posted by Guilty Desire on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 10:43:00 PST

Karma and Purity

You Have Good Karma  In general, you like to do the right thing when it comes to others.Your caring personality really shines through.Sure, you have your moments of weakness - and occas...
Posted by Guilty Desire on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 06:03:00 PST

Some More Of Mayhem

Your Dominant Thinking Style: Exploring  You thrive on the unknown and unpredictable. Novelty is your middle name.You are a challenger. You tend to challenge common assumptions and beliefs....
Posted by Guilty Desire on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 05:54:00 PST

Yes/ No Game

rule #1: You can only say Yes or No!Rule #2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!Q: Kissed someone on your top friends, (even on the cheek counts)?A: YESQ: Hav...
Posted by Guilty Desire on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 12:06:00 PST