art, music, film, theatre, dance, martial arts, travel, God, people, nature.
Radiohead, Blur, mewithoutYou, Iron and Wine, Sufjan Stevens, Bright Eyes, Arcade Fire, Architecture in Helsinki, Of Montrael, The Faint, Maria Taylor, Regina Spector, Shelby Lynne, Jesca Hoop, The Innocence Mission, The Album Leaf, Sigur Ros, Air, Feist, Sunny Day Real Estate, Jeremy Enigk, The Fire Theft, Kings of Convenience, Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, and oh so many others....
Amelie, Kill Bill 1&2,Spirited Away,Princess Mononoke, The Tripletts of Bellville, Dancer in the Dark, Lost in Translation, Fight Club, American Beauty, Edward Scissorhands, The Dark Crystal, Punch Drunk Love, The Royal Tennenbaums, Rushmore, Bottlerocket, Hero, House of the Flying Daggers, Moulin Rouge, Resevoir Dogs, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Ghost in the Shell, This is Spinal Tap, Waiting for Guffman, PeeWee's Big Adventure, Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, The Nightmare Before Chiristmas, The Neverending Story, Time Bandits, Animatrix, Garden State, Snatch, The Usual Suspects, 21 Grams, Amores Perros, City of the Lost Children, Once and oh so many others.
Currently reading Wendell Berry, Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr and a little Kierkegaard which will either result in my mental instability or inspire me to live the fullest life possible... we shall see. Anything by JD Salinger, Anne Lamott's, 'Traveling Mercies,' Tolkien's, 'Lord of the Rings,' and 'The Hobbit,' CSLewis's, 'Chronicles of Narnia,' and 'Space Trilogy,' Ray Bradbury's, 'Farenhett 451,' Kurt Vonnegut's, 'Slaughterhouse-Five,' Aldous Huxley's, 'A Brave New World,' John Irving's, 'A Prayer for Owen Meaney,' Kerouac, Ginsberg, Shakespeare, Madeline L'Engle, George McDonald, LM Montgomery, 'A Generous Orthodoxy,' or anything by Brian McLaren, or Greg Boyd, 'Irresistable Revolution,' Shane Claiborne, Henri Nouwen. But seriously folks- HARRY POTTER.