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HotFreeLayoutsAt the age of 3, we moved to Samoa for a few months. Then onward to Carson, California for 1 year. We then moved to Tacoma, Washington where I spent most of my childhood, adolescence and my early teens. I moved back to California in my late teens and during my senior year in high school my parents moved us back to Samoa where I finished high school at The Church College of Western Samoa.In Samoa, I graduated from CCWS with a high school diploma and moved back to Long Beach, California to work and try to figure out what I wanted to do. in 2000, I went to my sister's wedding in Samoa and thought I might as well visit New Zealand. My visit lasted 3 years. Whilst there, I studied a Bachelors of Science in Computer Studies at Auckland University. That lasted a year before I realized I'd take time out to study a trade then work and finish my BSC. My trade in Hairdressing took 2 years and I'm currently still enjoying it as a career.I am now a proud mother of a beautiful baby girl, A'aone.