About Me
I'm about 7'8, 46 lbs., I'm a model for target, I have a birthmark that looks like billy crystal after a tractor accident, my favorite food is raddish. I killed Magellan during my balloon trip around the world. I am trained in the art of full contact oragami. I have calculated pi out to 3 thousand 4 hundred and 32 places on an empty stomach. I'm bootylicious. I have engaged in tantric sex after eating mexican food. I built an island of the coast of florida entirely out of sod. I sleep only 10 minutes a day, sitting up, in a chair. I shave all the hair off of my body daily and donate it to orphaned cancer patients -- but never the bald ones. I once recieved a nobel prize for inventing peanut butter on a crazy bet with George Washington during a cockfight in calcutta. I am 102 years young and looking for someone who shares my love of life.