Myspace Layouts at / Crown royal
Myspace Layouts at / Crown royal
Snowbording, soccer, going out with friends, no illness
A lot of nice and cool people!!!!!!!
Rammstein, Blink 182, Good Charlotte, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Green day, Creed, Die Ärzte, Die Toten Hosen uvm...
Das Parfum, Sakrileg, Die Passion Christi, Saw 2, Scary Movie, Spiderman, jackass the movie,
The Simpsons, Malcolm mittendrin, Gallileo, sam, taff, punkt 12, Bullyparade, germany's next top model, Desperate Housewives usw...
"Evil" Jack Ketchum "Flo der Superkicker" *gg* "Kill" Maths Wahl "Der Unsichtbare" Maths Wahl
Zidane; !!!!!!!!