the constantly shifting experince that is my mortal life and the people that play parts in it... though my attention can be caught with: good books, movies, food, conversation, all dogs, black russians, green nugs, swimming pools, video bowling, roller derby tailgating, love and sex...
whoever i'm supposed to meet...
there's alot of good music out there and i love it when people share what they love with me but honestly, left to my own devices, i prefer silence..
king of kong was awesome!
lucy-the daughter of the devil, the colbert report, ufc, metalocalypse, rome, flight of the conchords
zorba the greek, the spell of the sensous, the tao of physics, sexual personae, elegant universe, nourishing destiny, anything by osho or with photography or cartoons...
osho, kwan yin, malcolm x, tom robbins, mikio sankey, david deida, kali, annie sprinkle, walt whitman, bender