Viva la Lance: 7 time champ! pocket pair ninja! profile picture

Viva la Lance: 7 time champ! pocket pair ninja!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Wild bears fear me, I am the last living werewolf west of the Mississippi. My goal in life is to make a baby of every major ethnicity for two reasons: to help promote equality and I just feel the need to spread my seed. If I foresee you as a threat I will eat you and gain your strength. I'm a glorified cd pusher. If you let me I will floor you with beats so hard you will think you got hit by a truck, dump truck that is. When I get angry I knock over large buildings. I have been known to pull down trees and tip over pitchers of beer. Many soldiers (beer) have lost their life being carried by me :( I am the SLC O.G. reppen the WJ studio gangster. Holler.Cash rules everything around me C.R.E.A.M. get the money, dolla dolla bill yall

I am the nicest asshole you will ever meet.
I dislike:
The Elitists
Scene Bullshit
The Close minded
Loud Chewing
Body Odor
Obnoxious myspace photoshoot crap
Stupid shit people pass as art
Annoying myspace pages
When people ask me "who is coming?"
Irresponsible people
99 percent of television
Men who disrespect women
Women who disrespect themselves
The Gym
Expressions of feelings
My hand selected, rigorously tested group of friends
Throwing gas on the fire
Long boarding
Competition in most things
My obnoxious tattoos (last laugh)
To play teams
Killing people VIA video games
The smell of grass and dew
Back scratches

My Interests

comparing warts. tearing off hang nails the wrong way, picking ingrown hairs, boobs in the face. PIN. UP. GIRLS. watching art kids cry. elite movie critic, I don't take no shit! people watching. Pissing off you're parents. flaking out Part time asshole, full time ass kicker

I'd like to meet:



wicky wicky


boondock saints, Sin City, Gattaca, suicide kings, resevior dogs, Sunshine for the spotless mind, 4 rooms, el mariachi, desperado, once upon a time in mexico, spirited away, payback, the nightmare before christmas, DUNE (the one with sting) full metal jacket, usual suspects, scarface (yack yack i dont care about your shrines its just a good movie) predator, Swingers, life aquatic, No country for old men, The orphanage, 28 days later, Life aquatic, and about 100 more




whats a book


james brown

My Blog

sports on tv

    I don't think I have ever really caught sports team fever. The last time I gave a shit about sports was when the Jazz went to the finals and that was really short lived and I was 14...
Posted by Viva la Lance: 7 time champ! pocket pair ninja! on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 10:19:00 PST

A note for you

If you think there's a chance you go all in With your pair that you think can take on the world the flop proves difficult Usually by the turn provides hardships And then the river brings you everythin...
Posted by Viva la Lance: 7 time champ! pocket pair ninja! on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 01:58:00 PST

da nananana

Dear miss so and so who occupied my fuckin bed and my soft spot for a timeI’m doing well how are you? I keep myself busy Busy occupying my time not thinking of you Grinding some money to make my...
Posted by Viva la Lance: 7 time champ! pocket pair ninja! on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 09:13:00 PST

If i get a chance

  I more than most like to live in the now, but as life goes on and I live and learn life lessons I feel as though I have taken a different direction with whom I surround myself with and whom I c...
Posted by Viva la Lance: 7 time champ! pocket pair ninja! on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 11:54:00 PST

statistics showed

This winter was the coldest ever on worldwide basis. Because I worked the whole thing outside I would like a shirt that says bad ass motherfucker, or a wallet that says bad ass motherfucker, Because I...
Posted by Viva la Lance: 7 time champ! pocket pair ninja! on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 11:01:00 PST

Here we go again

Started running again last night, made me realize how much I missed it. I don’t want to make myself any promises this time like running a marathon....oh wait yes I do. I want to run the saint ge...
Posted by Viva la Lance: 7 time champ! pocket pair ninja! on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 12:18:00 PST

people come and people go

    but you will always have that picture framed on my wall kid ;)My world has been silent this year Its given me the opportunity to listen To the little things To myself To hear the re...
Posted by Viva la Lance: 7 time champ! pocket pair ninja! on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 01:45:00 PST

I wish

    There was a fuckin spam option for people who do quiz reposts 
Posted by Viva la Lance: 7 time champ! pocket pair ninja! on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 04:11:00 PST

nerds only: condemned 2 review

Ok I always wrote this once and it got deleted so I might miss a few things only because I’m irritated. Condemned 2: BloodshitIt’s not like I could really hold high expectations for this g...
Posted by Viva la Lance: 7 time champ! pocket pair ninja! on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 06:36:00 PST

words to live by

    never buy any orange drink...
Posted by Viva la Lance: 7 time champ! pocket pair ninja! on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 01:33:00 PST