♥ C.C.H ♥ profile picture

♥ C.C.H ♥

you live fake you die fake.so get real.

About Me

Layout made by superednerd at CreateBlog.com .

My Interests

MUSIC.my love.POETRY.books.interesting people.change.

I'd like to meet:


welcome to my world..
BLESSED. NOT A ROCKSTAR, A BEAUTY QUEEN, OR A DIVA..jUST A BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMAN HANDLING HER BUSINESS.I LAUGH,I LOVE,I LIVE.I FUCK UP.im real laid back,[cooler than anti-freeze].im straight up..either i like you or i dont.no in between with me...and thats how it is.i have seen a lot and experienced so much and i have learned from it all.so i dont have time for childish situatuions.if you feel gotta lie to kick it or are on some other second childhood shit (broke and going nowhere in life)..just go on about your business ok.i dont need you in my life.i am very unique,from my habits to the music i love. ♥ i believe Jay z is gonna adopt me one day ♥I LOVE TO CHILL,LAY BACK IN THE HOUSE or go out,i chill either way..IM ALWAYS DOWN FOR SPADES AND BONES..,PARKS,MUSEUMS,PLAYS,HITTING THE CLUB AND WILDING OUT ..i really enjoy learning new things.i love to travel and see different places and people..I LOVE A LITTLE OF IT ALL IN LIFE.I TAKE IT ALL IN.WHEN I REALLY WANT SOMETHING I GIVE MY HEART TO IT.im driven and nothing will stop me from my goals.ITS ALL OR NOTHING.. I SUCCEED.sHit happens. I FAIL.I GET UP AND KEEP IT PUSHING.I JUST DO IT DIFFERENTLY.ONE PERSON WILL NEVER FULLY GRASP ME.PERCEPTIONS OF ME ARE OFTEN MISGUIDED, SO JUST ASK ME, DONT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS. IM SWEET TO THE CORE WITH A TERRIBLE TEMPER WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO IT.IM STANDING AT 63' EVEN BUT I HAVE AN ATTITUDE LIKE IM SIX FOUR.YES I BITe..HARD!..BUT ONLY WHEN I AM PROVOKED.MY GOAL IN LIFE:TO REAMIN TRUE TO MYSELF.TO CONTINUE TO FULFILL MY OWN ASPIRATIONS BY OWN HEART.MUSIC AND WRITING...YO!!!ITS MY LIFE!!I WOULD NOT EXIST WITHOUT IT..::PEN,PAER,AND MUSIC::..MY BEST FRIENDS.I ADORE THOSE CLOSEST TO ME.I AM VERY PROTECTIVE.VERY. ESPECIALLY OF MY SISTERS and brothers..I LOVE THEM MORE THAN ANYTHING..ALL OF THEM..AND YOU GET AT THEM..IM LOOKIN DOWN ON YOU FROM THAT six four stance.LOL...NO..IM SERIOUS .IF I RIDE FOR YOU,ITS ALL OR NOTHING.BUT, I WILL RIDE ALONE..AND TO YOU PEOPLE WHO CALL YOURSELF AGAINST ME..I DONT HAVE ANY ROOM ON MY BACK FOR YOU SO FUCK OFF OR GET WITH IT...I JUST DO ME.I LIVE MY LIFE FOR THE HIGHLIGHTS..::LIVE YOURS::..
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eclectic: e-'klek-tik, i-

selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles.

music changes frequently reflecting my mood.enjoy.

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I fucks with LIL WAYNE and JAY Z hard..but i listen to anything..


Paid in Full,Scarface,Madea Movies, Friday Night Lights, Love and Basketball, Brown Sugar, Soul Food, Eves Bayou, Cruel Intentions, Selena, Players Club, All About The Benjamins, Love Jones, Home Alone, Any Disney Movies, Whatever Is on Lifetime, All Friday Movies,Bebe's Kids..I know there are more but I cant think of them...


not much of a tv person..COURT TV..you can always learn something..LAW AND ORDER..any forensic shows..


All types of books...Coldest Winter Ever,G-Spot,All Zane books,The Autobiography of MAlcolm X..so many more


My family because it has always been someone in my family that has been there for me when i needed someone..After all your friends are gone, your girlfriend, whatever..Your family is gonna be there..