Callgirls profile picture


Callgirls is punk 'n' roll. Dig?

About Me

Photo - Nicolai Kofod Larsen

Callgirls Play Lades Kæller Friday 6th June:

Callgirls deliver raw in-your-face punk 'n' roll and support act 'You Go First Mindy' will be serving up garage rock. Callgirls' female singer is not to be missed - just don't stand too close! BH

Copenhagen Post 6 June 2008

Callgirls Play Germany:


contact: [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 11/25/2006
Band Members: voice: SAZ guitar: LARS bass: DAVID drum: MOE keyboard: PER

callgirls: 15/01-08

1. Recording must be done on location, with all band members performing simultaneously. (A typical location is a rehearsal room or concert venue).

2. Production is unnecessary and is not permitted. All arrangements must be composed by the band themselves.

3. All instrumentation and voice must be recorded using microphones to capture the band's actual sound.

4. The recording must be live. Overdubs (even of vocals) are not allowed.

5. Effects, treatments and volume level must be controlled by the performer during the performance.

6. The song must not contain superficial instrumentation. (Soloing must not occur).

7. Songs must last no more that 3 minutes (If it can't be said in 3 minutes, it's not worth hearing).

8. Cover versions and pastiche are not acceptable.

9. Mixing and mastering of the recording is permitted in order to better simulate a performer's live sound.

10. Song writer(s) must not be credited.


Callgirls Got a Brand New Bag


The Queerness of You

Type of Label: None

My Blog

callgirls og you go first mindy på lades d. 6/6

Callgirls spiller på lades kælder. fredag d. 6/ go first mindy varmer op med cruchii garage rock ( der bliver som altid fest og gang i den!!!kom og drik en øl og nyd...
Posted by Callgirls on Sat, 17 May 2008 03:10:00 PST

Anmeldelse af Callgirls koncert og demo

Vi har fået en hamrende fin anmeldelse af vores koncert i Klub Golem (Odense) samt af vores demo i Socialistisk Arbejderavis. Du kan læse den på nettet - lige her:
Posted by Callgirls on Tue, 13 May 2008 09:53:00 PST

vi rocker vidrere!

vi spillede et gigantisk fedt job i lille vega! gik jo desvære ikke videre. men vi havde det jo sjovt i mens så hva faen! tusind tak til alle jer der kom og bakkede op om os! i er for seje! næste...
Posted by Callgirls on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 09:14:00 PST

Emergeza nyt fra Callgirls! Dato,pris og sted!

Jo og yes punks! Så fik vi datoen til semifinalen til Emergenza. TORSDAG D. 27 MARTS, KL 23.30, LILLE VEGA!Vi har kun 65 billetter at dele ud af. Så i må være hurtige til at melde tilbage, hvis i skal...
Posted by Callgirls on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 07:05:00 PST

nyheder fra Callgirls!

Sådan, vi gik videre i emergenza og venter nu på at komme i lille vega og spille i slut marts! den præcise dato vil vi i næste uge! lod os ikke vinde , men det bår frugt i og med vi blev opva...
Posted by Callgirls on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 09:57:00 PST