i like to play frisbee and i like to ride my bike and i like to run around for no reason and i like ice cream and i like dragon force and i like camping and i like to party and i like to not party and i like to work and i like to have friends and i like to go home and i like to move heavy things and i like to say things before i think and i like to do things without thinking at all and i like to shower when i want and i like girls and i like spagetti-o's right out of the can and i like to eat rare steak and i like good bathroom humor and like to give seriously awesome high fives and i like to smile and i like people who smile and i like comics and i like animals and i like making things ive never made before and i like food and i like my cell phone and i like to do what i want and i like to get paid and i like to drive far distances for things and i like to rock out in the car and i like to do things that other people like and i like when i get calls from people i dont know and i like to wear my sandals and i like sand and i like a beach on a cloudy day because there are less people and i like to start fires and i like to shop for groceries and i like to read labels when im going to the bathroom and i like karmas army and i like a good foot rub and i like electricity and i like special things and i like music and i like taking things apart and i like to fight with lightsabers and i am scared of spiders. i like to eat twizlers pull and peel
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