Waiting For Death empieza a principios del 2005 originalmente formado por Fredy(vocal), Mijael(guitarra lider), Choco(guitarra ritmica), Ivan(bajo) y Moi(bateria), influenciados principalmente por generos como el metal, hard-core y punk rock, Waiting For Death inicia na serie de shows como cualquier otra banda pero esta sufre un cambio a mitades de octubre del 2005 cambiando de segundo guitarrista, remplazando al Choco por Luis XVIII, a partir de este punto Waiting For Death empieza a llevar un paso estable llevandolo a grabar su primer demo en marzo del 2006, la grabacion de este demo le dio a Waiting For Death la oportunidad de tocar en nuevos lugares y de darse a conocer a un nivel mas alto, pero en septiembre del 2006 Waiting For Death se queda sin vocalista por diferencia de ideas y opiniones, en ese momento Waiting For Death comienza la busqueda de un nuevo vocalista y el 28 de octubre del 2006 Waiting For Death tiene su primer ensallo con el nuevo vocalista proveniente de Celaya GTO.(El Seras), este le da un sonido mas solido y potente a las nuevas canciones mas acorde a los gustos musicales de la banda, y con su segundo demo con un sonido mas acorde a la banda, aunke tiempo despues luis XVIII toma la decision de abandonar la banda por razones personales. Es por eso que la formacion de la banda esta constituida por Seras(vocal), Mijael(guitarra), Ivan(bajo) y Moi(bateria)
Waiting For Death begins on the early 2005 originally formed by Fredy(vocals), Mijael(lead guitar), Choco( guitar), Ivan(bass guitar) and Moi(drums), influenced by differents kind of music like metal. Hard-core and punk-rock, Waiting For Death begins their shows like any other band but they suffer a change on October 2005 changing their second guitar player, Choco was out and Luis XVIII took his place, from this point Waiting For Death start to have a nice way taking them to record their first house demo on march 2006, this recording gave them a chance to perform in new stages and get to a higher level, but on September 2006 Waiting For Death runs out of lead singer because of different ideas and opinions, at that time Waiting For Death starts searching a new lead singer and on October 28 2006 Waiting For Death has it..s first jammed with the new lead singer from Celaya Gto.(El Seras), he gives to the band a more powerfull and aggressive sound to the new songs, and with their second demo with a sound according to the band, althoug luis XVIII took the desition to leave the band. So the formation of the band are Seras(vocals), Mijael(guitar), Ivan(bass) and Moi(drums)
[email protected] (bombi) o
[email protected](Mijael)