Aerosmith, Will & Jada Smith, Tesla, John Travolta, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell......pretty much any of my idols who I would believe to be real , genuine and extremely FUN people !! [ too many to list ]
I like pretty much anything except the crap my daughter listens to....even some of that is ok in small doses. Good music creates memories - great music brings you to a place that makes you smile. lol
Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, Dirty Dancing, Fried Green Tomatoes, 16 Candles, Deuces Wild, The Big Chill, Ghost,Sixth Sense, The Others, all of the Scream movies...etc..any movie that makes me smile or has a twist that I didnt catch....
Dont watch much these days..... love reruns of Rosanne or Reba....very funny and entertaining. Will and Grace makes me laugh out loud!! TV needs to really captivate me to not lose interest -- theres always something that needs to be done around here..TV wastes my time.
I really need to read more.......
Robbie -- for his strength, humor and love. I am blessed to have him in my life and my heart. Karen - for her strength, humor and love of Robbie.....without her - we may not still have him , and Grandma June -the one person who ALWAYS believed in me regarless of how stupid I was...-- 92yrs old an going strong!! , for heros I havent actually met yet -- Id have to say John Walsh (Americas Most Wanted). Talk about making lemonaid out of lemons....this guy is why hundreds of families have peace of mind right now...bless his heart!