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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Extended Network Banner @ HipHopLayouts.net
I get my Free MySpace Layouts at HipHopLayouts.net

Well nuttin really special about ME. ME just an ordinary gurl wit loadz of dreamz.
ME Carefree, lively,curious,lovin n xtremely charming. ME can b any woman in dis world n no one will eva get bored by ME. Coz ME iz a pocket of fun, laughter n xcitement.
ME make friendz everywhere I go from the beach to the bank. ME loves crazy Adventurez and big Surprises! ME can b very sensitive n emotional, but all that glitters isn’t gold.
ME don’t judge people and ME hate ya’ll that judge ME… ME loves ma family and friends like crazy. ME love positive people. ME raps alooottt…
ME hopez u get the "ME - ME" so u can get to meet ME… Coz everybody wntz ME..(Lol

My Interests

PoLiTiCs....HiStOrY... DaNcInG, WrItInG/ReAdInG, DeBaTiNg... MaRtIaL ArTs, WrEsTliNg... MaKe Up, FaShIon n StYlE...HoRsEs n HoRsE RiDiNg…. PaRtYiNg… CoOkInG... PhOtOgRaPhy... ShOpPiNg…RAP rAP RaP RAp rAp n RRRRRRRRRRRRRAAaaaaaaaPPPPPPPPppppp....

I'd like to meet:

PrOpHeT MuHaMmaD(S.A.W.)..My DaD... IsA A.S.(JeSuS)... ClEoPAtRa...HiTlEr...JoHn KeNnEdy... NaS... NeLsOn MaNdElA... OpRaH WiNfRey... OsAmA BiN LaDeN... BuSh... ChE GuEvArA...MaRtIn LuThEr KiNg...YaSsEr ArAfAt... PoPe JoHn PaUl...SaDdAm HuSsEin...

Meeting them ol together at once over a cup of coffee would be just GREAT! And of course a dinner by RaChAel RaY would make the discussion more interesting... Who Knowz, "WE MIGHT JUST END OL THE GRUDGES!"
But Yo Faw Real I'd like to meet new friendz form ol walkz of life that just looooseee it n live 4 d moment.
Love hip-hop? You think NAS is the best rapper now n eva will be? Adventurous n fun? Sucka free? Non-judgmental? Love Africa? Care about the less Privileged, the needy and the homeless orphans ol over the world?? Level headed n positive??
If u r, then ME down regardless of ur race, culture, religion n of course ME don't care about looks coz handsomeness n beauty comes from the inside not the outside!!!! So jus roll wit ME...


Hip hop/Rap n a lil bit of R n b n RRRRRAAAAAAAAAPpppppppPPPPPPP.....
I listen to BlUeS when m sad n feeling blue... N jaZz When m having FaCiAlS!


U kidding? just gotta be "cLeOPatrA" "V For Vendetta" "Troy" "Sin City" "God Father" "Braveheart" "The Count Of Monte Cristo"....aNd BeLlY. Most recently, “BlOoD DiAmOnD” "300"


Y not just ask me abt NaS MUsik?
BuT If U InSiSt.... ME Cool with HeRoEs, FaShIoN HoUsE, PiMp Ma RiDe, So U ThInK U CaN DaNce?, OpRah, PrIsOn BrEaK, RaChAeL RaY, 24!


Just call me a book-a-holic.... I love dem bukz... But ma Fave is ThE HoLy QuR'aN.


MoHaMmaD S.A.W.. My Mum, ME DaD! My SiSterS! QuEen ClEopAtRa! NaS! NeLsOn MaNdElA! My LawYeRs: Chief Gani Fawehinmi, Sikiru Akinlere and John Agada.

My Blog

Me, My-FrIeNdS, aNd I

Peepz been wondering why Ms. Queen Cee is crazy about camels and Horses... So I took some time to help ya'll solve the puzzle...   The bottom line is "I am very "SpEcIaL" to my fam...
Posted by Queencee on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:53:00 PST