Outdoors, hunting, fishing and hiking with family.
People who have a sincere interest in learning about Lakota culture and traditional spirituality. Predjudice and bigotry are the children of ignorance but these things can be overcome through education which is why I am happy to share our ways with people from other cultures.
I find all music interesting. You can find JJ's music at these fine locations: www.burnlounge.com/jjkent for .99 cents per song download www.singingwolfrecords.com Amazon.com CCNow.com Native Radio.com Four Winds Trading co.com
JJ played " Red Elk" in the Lifeways Productions film, " The Fire". JJ has also been involved for the past 2 years in the re-enactment of The Battle Of Little Big Horn featured each year in Montana. /
"Learning Journey On the Red Road" by Floyd "Looks for Buffalo" Hand
Tasunka Witco (Crazy Horse) and Grandpa Frank Fools Crow